Chapter 49: Fed up of being down.

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Contemplated thoughts compiled  as time passed. Zuri thought, what would Gemma say. Her frustration and anger boiled so much until it wasn't her's alone. She felt the roar of a T-rex bubbling inside her, strength of a thousand dinosaurs coursing through her veins. I should've done this from the start, instead of acting like a baby and getting all up in my emotions.

Oblivious to how much security she was under, Zuri felt an irresistible urge to let it out. To let them out. They seemed to use her anger as a ladder, clawing their way up, she couldn't control them. SHE DIDN'T WANT TO.

The stitches binding her lips together came apart one by one. Her back hardened and grew spikes. A tail shriveled out bearing a spiked ball that swung like a lethal wrecking ball. She was proud to be ankyosaurus. With a few swings of the wrecking tail, she was out lumbering through through the narrow passage. The armed gaurds shot their ineffective bullets at her. She twisted abd turned passages until she came to a large elevator. She had to morph pteradactyl  to fit into the elevator, squeezing the wings in. It BIIINGED  once it reached the top floor. She turned her head an saw a window, rolling her eyeballs back she saw a squadron of gaurds ready to fire. Paying them no attention, she spread her wings and broke free.

It was a rather easy escape, it left Zuri more suspicious than she wanted. It swelled inside her like a sponge soaked it water. Agitation grew with each wing-beat. She couldn't help but feel like she was being watched. Intentionally distracting herself, she thought of her next move, she wondered ... What's next, I wonder? Find Lucifer.

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