Chapter 24: Bane of my existence

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Lucifer paced up and down the dark room growling like a lunatic dog. Lily was on his mind, she had the medallion, she had unimaginable power in her hands.
"If only Cavendish destroyed that medallion as soon as the tiger was sealed!" He yelled. Borris flinched as Lucifer pointed in his direction and boomed
"You are useless to me now!" Crimson fire burst out from his eyes and hair and radiated heat.
"I...I can still be of use to you my lord" Borris cowered in fear, Lucifer didn't give half a damn as he booted him across the cold rough road. Abondoned as it was, Lucifer was sure to remain discrete. The Bloodbeast got up only to receive a rib shattering punch which sent him flying into an old abondoned building. Pieces crumbled under the hard impact.
"Are you defying my word? My word is final, idiot!!!" He leapt into the building, his eyes flaming with pure anger and hate, he walked up to the bald man. Joy sparked in his eyes as he saw the Bloodbeast cough up an entire pool of blood under rasp breathing. His red military boots crunched the rubble under them, his maroon tank vest and vermilion fingerless gloves adorned his body along with burgundy track pants.
"Lily was supposed to be here over a minute ago! My patients is running thin as a needle right now AND THE ONLY WAY I CAN KEEP CALM IS BY DESTROYING THE USELESS PAWN...AND YOU WON'T DO A THING."  He punched his skull into the building, through 3 floors. With one simple leap, Lucifer was next to him. Borris felt so much pain it was like a jackhammer continuously pounded his entire body.
"Dont you get it...IM BRAGGING!" He picked up Borris' caved in face.
"Geez, I wonder who is inflating your already huge ego!"a jolly voice yelled.

Lucifer shot his head in the direction of the voice. A white haired and green-eyed girl stood before her.
"You're three minutes late. Is it done." He asked as he resumed its calm composure.
"Well... I couldn't find Cavendish, so no its not done." She smiled containing her laughter.
"Nothing is funny. FUCK!!! You fools had one job each. One job!"Lucifer's voice shook the building. The devil flamed up, his hair, eyes and spine flamed up. A muscular tail protruded from the base of his spine along with two curved horns at his forehead. All his devil transformations melted away when he thought of Gemma.
"What do I do now?" He asked his goons which folded themselves into balls.
"Kill them Lord Lucifer" Borris suggested.
"Is your brain functional? The Three Guardians Of Truth will END my existence." He delivered another knee to Borris face, purely out of rage.
"None of us can kill them. Idiots, you both had one job...ONE JOB!!" Lucifer formed a triangle with his hands
"You seem to forget what happens to those who fail me. Let me remind you with the second blade of the devil. Twin Destroyers!"
A set of red and black glistening dagger-like-swords appeared along with Lucifer's joy.

He ran towards Lily first at lightning speed, boosting himself into the air only to land a square axe-kick on Lily's head. The building shook under the impact and Lily and Lucifer clearly heard her skull crack open. Pain soared throughout her body and to make worse Lucifer stood on on top of her, squatting like Spider-Man.
"At least make this fun for me." He booted the hybrid across the building, through seven walls, through a window, shattering it and finally skidded back first on the rough tar. Blood pooled in her mouth when she growled, slowly blue fur sprout from everywhere on her body. Anger boiled in side her like a furnace. From her fingers, razor claws extended, two blue and white ringed tails slithered from the base of her spine. She held the Tiger medallion in one hand, crushing it slowly to release her anger. Thrill flooded Lucifer like a flooded river in summer, he felt as happy as a five year old dancing in puddles.

"There is a reason you'll never be the alpha of any pack." The devil cracked a Joker smile. Pointing his dagger-blades in her direction.
The sun rolled high among the beautiful cloudless sapphire skies with the occasional gentle breeze and whispering wind which blew across the outcasted part of the city. Lily eyed the blazind sun, then looked to Lucifer and growled
"Those who are best suited to power are those who never sought it." Her words intertwined with her fury, she shattered the medallion into infinite tiny pieces. A orange and black spirit twirled out and away.

"You fool!!!" Raged charging towards her, Lily growled in her half Bloodbeast and half werewolf transformation and lunged towards the devil. The Blood-werewolf and the king of hell bulleted with full force, razor claws and teeth at the ready, dagger-blades itching for blood. Lily streched out her claw...
Lucifer extended his dagger...

Thanx for reading lovely wattpadders, hope you enjoyed as much as I did. Thank you for all the support the votes and comments really fuel me up. Please continue sharing and commenting with other lovely wattpadders. Also please check out my other book THE ANOMALIES: AWAKENING.

STAY SAFE ASSASSINS you never know. ♡♥♡♥♡♥

AN- Im writing exams from Wednesday 28 May to June 19 (2018) so I wont be on Wattpad but I promise to update afterwards. Wish me luck... especially with pure maths and physics. ♡♥

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