Chapter 48: Negotiations are not...

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Lucifer gasps a doorknob only seen to him as the last of his wounds heal. He enters Death's "workshop", sits himself on Death's bone chair with a bombastic backrest. He comfortably props his legs on Death's soul table. The Critical Judgment table. Lucifer makes himself at home.

"Lucifer get your feet off MY soul table!" Death yells, storming in with his massive bloody scythe.
"Hello to you too, Death." Lucifer greets with his hands supporting his handsome head.

"What is it that brings you here, Spark." Death spat. Lucifer grimaced at the name. He kept his cool and reminded himself that he needs the Gemma soul.

"I'm here to negotiate for Gemma's soul and failure to meet my demands I'll kill you." He threatens Death.

"Who exactly do you think you are." Death inches closer raising his scythe.
"Get off MY throne!" He hits Lucifer off the throne but the devil lands gracefully.

"Death as much as I want to fight you and rub in the fact that YOU CANNOT HAVE MY SOUL TO CONDEMN, I need Gemma's soul." He demands. For he is Lucifer, he is The Devil and The Devil does NOT beg. He demands.

"I know not of this Gemma you speak of Luci-..."
"I will genocide you if you've sent her soul elsewhere!" Lucifer cuts in.
"Genocide is a mass killing. Living Spark!!!"

Lucifer's wings sprout from his back, tearing his red tanker top.

"AND I AM DEATH. NOBODY CAN KILL ME...GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK FLAMING SKULL!!!!!" Death booms. Lucifer sets himself ablaze. Dark purple flames cover his body and growing tail.

Death swings his scythe, Lucifer vomits out his Seventh Blade: Arsenal. The weapons clash, shaking Death's Quarters.
"I said I came here to negotiate, not have play fights Death." Lucifer persuades Death and they withdraw from quarreling. Lucifer resides to his human form.
"There are no souls I'm giving you unless you give me yours." Death speaks. Behind them the Grimm Reaper piles souls upon souls.
"I want to look for it myself." The Devil demands.
"Be. My. Guest." Death spat smokey phlegm.

Hours later Beoxon could not find the soul. Lucifer fummed as the demon stoop up.
Lucifer was too proud to go down onto his knees.
"Get back there. I want every soul searched again!" He boomed as the king.

The soul was nowhere to be found.
"Where the hell is that soul Death? WHERE IS GEMMA'S SOUL!?"  he barks.

"I dont know any soul by that name Lucifer!" Death attempts to smirk. "Search elsewhere." Death instructed Lucifer. Lucifer raises an eyebrow.

"Did you just tell me what to do? Nobody tells me what to do." Lucifer transforms into his devil form.

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