Chapter 45: Sweet mother of torture

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A little girl sat on Zuri's lap, stiff with horror. She took a needle, the girl began to squirm in fear.
"Please let me go cat lady, I want my momm-"
It was the perfect opportunity to stick the needle into the girls tongue. She cocked her gun and blew the girls brains apart. Zuri put her finger on her lips. Silence.

This was all over the news and soon she was surrounded. She took out both her 9mm pistols and snarled when she realized this.
"SURRENDER YOURSELF AND COME OUT WITH YOU HANDS UP! First and final warning." They yelled through the megaphone. The response was shocking, never have the police force responded so fast to a crime. They located her so fast it pissed her off to the max. She fired bullets all around, head-shots or lethal shots. Sixteen dead, the floor pooling with blood before the first squad broke down the door. That's why they were so fast. It wasn't the was the army.

She sat at the back of the cell, mouth gagged, tied up in a straight-jacket. Outside she's calm but on the inside she's a typhoon. Zuri ponders where she was being taken next. Prison or court. How long had she been here. Out cold. Zuri merely turned to the wall, rocking back and forth. One bar that showed outside and one that let her see the guard. The rest of the small prison cell was metal. Silence was her only friend.

"Is the captive awake?" A husky voice asked.
"Affirmative General Stark." The guard replied.
"Good. She's in for some intense questioning."

He looked at her through the single bar of her cell. She rocked back and forth, staring at the corner unblinkingly.
"What's your name." He barked. Silence was her response.
"Who do you work for? Who are your partners? Why do you kill people? Answer me damn fuck." He banged on the cell wall but Zuri treated him as none existent.
He said "tsk. I'll be back with professionals to loosen that dick licking tongue." He spat and walked away.

She couldn't tell if it was still day or night, she slept anyway.

Zuri woke up suddenly being dragged off into a room. They shoved her into a bright room filled with torture weapons. She tried to struggle out. Straight-jacket.  It took her a while to realize she was in interrogation like her sister was.
I ain't saying SHIT she thought in disgust.

They took hold of her fingers, slowly pushed needles into all of them. 
"You know what we want. We wont ask you again."

Zuri gritted her teeth and stifled a groan of pain. Hours later he had had enough of her and her stifling of groans and gnashing her teeth at her.

She was dragged out again, tossed back into her little cell. Her heart was broken, they couldn't break her any further. She lost her tiger. She lost her sister. She lost her heart.
"Tomorrow be ready to confess. It's you third day tomorrow. Beginning of HELL." The general left her in silence.

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