Chapter 21:The prophesy

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Hello lovely wattpadders. This chapter is super short its just the prophesy.

How much more blood will be shed until the kingdom is satisfied. How many more bodies will drift in the rivers of the living.

Descendents shed for their brotheren. To kill is to protect. To protect is to be selfish. Selfish shall fall. Fall by the hands of thy kin. Mirror rulers shall rise and fall by the hands of their master. The master fall must,  to give rise to the mirror rulers once again. He who is powerful, he who has the power of the beasts is worthy of the underworld. Hell is thine to rule.
A duel with death himself, his scythe shattered, his pride scattered, the rulers' combined power like an unstoppable force. Combine them results an immovable object

How much more blood will be shed before the kingdom is satisfied. How many more bodies will drift in the rivers of the living.

Thanks lovely wattpadders, for reading. Hope you enjoyed as much as I did. Please comment and share with other lovely wattpadders. Also please check out The Anomalies book which can be found in my profile.

STAY SAFE ASSASSINS you never know.

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