Chapter 22: The XXtreem brothers.

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Gemma blinked herself awake. She hadn't eaten for three days. It was now Monday, she slept throughout Sunday. Zuri marched into the room.
"Hey I'm glad to see you awake and alive Gemma. I thought you were dead. Never do that again." She embraced her friend. Gemma eyed Zuri after the long, warm hug. The doppelganger had no physical wounds.
"What happened to your injuries? " Gemma asked, filled with concern
"They healed. I guess." Zuri answed as she sat in bed with her look-a-like.
"So how many did you kill this time?"Zuri questioned.
"Billions. Every time I close my eyes or blink... I see dead bodies."

Gemma stood up and realized she was naked. Her breasts exposed to the morning light.
"Really Z?"she shook her head in disapproval and put on something appropriate. A yellow summer dress and some red sneakers, opposing Zuri who wore a red summer dress with a pair of yellow sandals.
"Happy birthday by the way. G."
"Thanks. You remember." a smile played at the coner of her mouth.
"Mine is tomorrow so its pretty hard to forget."they laughed..

After a shower, Gemma grabbed a bowl of corn flakes for breakfast.
"Hello Gemma." Mr. Nyx greeted.
"Good morning." She replied.
"Better hurry or you and Zuri will be late for school." He warned.
"Sure thing."
She drained the bowl empty of its contents and placed it in the sink. Zuri descended down the flight of stairs with two bags.
"Girls I'll be working on the special effects for the The Greatest Showman movie. Apparently the original special effects guy was murdered, mysteriously. That assassin can do her job well. So I wont be back till after midnight." He notified them.

The girls rushed off to school.

The class was quite quiet with the scribbling and scratching of pens and the weak fans to break the silence. The physics test wasn't easy for Gemma or Zuri. The maximum she would obtain was a 55%. The first half of the day was nothing but tests. Physics, pure maths and Life Science the first three periods before break.

The bell rang, loud and not so glorious.
"Shit ... answer for 7.7.4" Zuri asked the life science prodigy Gemma who leafed through her answers.
"Xylem is responsible for the distribution of water whereas phloem is responsible for the distribution of nutrition and sugars."
"Good android."thanked Zuri
"I'll fuck you up. Mr. Samuels is coming."
"Seriously the teacher with the facial expression of a rock." Zuri jest.
Mr Samuels eyed them with a I'll give you -100%. That made them shut up.

Ambling on the lush green June grass and letting the sun kiss their faces and dresses blowing in the cool was the perfect way to vent after a bombardment of tests for the girls.
"So you got me anything." Gemma sparked a conversation
"Its been pretty hectic these days..." Zuri replied with a tweak of exitement in her voice
"I understand." Her friend intercepted in a sympathizing monotonous voice
"You didn't let me finish. I managed to get a hold of this."she had a suspicious smile on her face and an evil glint in her eye. The kind they have when they go killing people. Zuri took out a brown paper bag.
"What's in the bag." Gemma asked in a cautions voice and a wiry smile. Zuri opened the bag for Gemma to peek inside. "Neurotoxin. Thats neurotoxin right you got me neurotoxin? Zuri, you're the best."
"Shhhhh. Not so loud. " Zuri hushed. "I also got us tear-gas."she continued.

"Ayy. Pretty faces. What's in the brown paper bag" a boy asked
"Now, now Xander. Keep calm."
"Xavier. Let me do this we actually have a shot at smashing-" he was elbowed by his partner.

Gemma eyed them both irked by their presence. The Xavier fellow had red eyes, a thin body and face. His black hair with blue streeks matched his black t-shirt and blue trousers. Gemma's eyes locked with Xander's sky blue eyes. His black hair with red streeks flowed in the warm breeze alond with his black t-shirt and red trousers.

"Umm we just wanted to talk." Xavier explained
"Yeah I mean we're twins you're twins we can have a little twin-versation and maybe later get some pus-" Xander was elbowed again.
"So you got time?"

"Sure yeah. I'm Zuri and this is Gemma. We're not twins we're doppelgangers. "Zuri answered awkwardly after a long silence.
"Thats intresting. We can still smash thought right?" Xander asked
"Xander shut the fuck up. Let me talk" Xavier warned
"Is everything ok." Gemma asked
"Never better baby" Xander replied in a flirty tone
"Xander! Sorry about that. We are the XXtreem brothers." They held out there hands. Hesitantly the doppelgangers shook their hands. The twins smiled
"Nice to finally meet you."Xavier whispered.

Hope you guys enjoyed the update as much as I did. Please comment and share. Dont forget to vote please. Please also check out The Anomalies book. Its new ;-)

STAY SAFE ASSASSINS you never know.

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