Chapter 51: Mummy begs for seconds.

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Lucifer flies ahead, looking down at The Pool in anger. Where a soul could wander in its first few days. He lands with his servant, archdemon Beoxon besides him. The present phantoms and demonic creatures open up an isle for him to walk.
"Has anyone seen a new soul?" He asked. When nobody dared to speak,  he flared open his wings and boomed

"Answer me!!!" They all flinch
"No My Lord, we haven't. We have merely been watching Zuri on The Pool." The Pool owner confessed. The temperature in the room ascends dramatically and plummeted when he leaves.

Outside a bandaged figure is obscured by red clouds of dust that dispersed with the wave of Lucifer's hand. Aslac stands infront of him.
"Mummy? Damn Aslac." He spits. The mummy opens his arms wide and licks his crusty dry lips. His eyes are bandaged

"Lucifer, my friend. I'm here to propose an offer." They mummy speaks. Lucifer frowns, he doesn't have time for this.

"We are not friends, Aslac! Get away from me." He warns. The Aslac laughs.

"I thought you wanted your six blades back. Dont you?" All six blades appear at his command. Lucifer resists the urge to attack the bandaged villain.

"Help me take down The Keepers Of Truth and let me be the new King Of Hell." The mummy proposed. Lucifer widened his eyes in utmost disbelief.

"You're demented! The who? The Keepers Of Truth? Me, I'll never. Even the Great Nefariette couldn't do it. The entire Cavendish races was wiped out in mere seconds by only ONE of The Keepers. What all three of them can do together is simply UNFATHOMABLE!  No!!!" Lucifer didn't lie there. The Keepers Of Truth were more feared than Nefariette herself.

"Well. I'll beat you to a bloody pulp again if it means forcing you to help me!" The mummy threatens.

"Your time will come BITCH!" He promised before flapping away. Right now he had more important business in the world of the living.


Zuri's fake father cowers before her.
"I cannot find them." He sighed. She immediately kicks him in the face, sending him flying across the room. He tortures him with dinosaurs claws and household vinegar. It stung like hell.

"Why are you so heartless Zuri?" He asked bleeding, hanging from the ropes. Zuri's eyes brimmed with tears and she covered her quivering mouth with her black shirt.

"Why am I so heartless? How can I have a heart when you forced me to kill my own heart, my soul ... my Gem? I wouldn't be so heartless if my sister wasn't in that coffin who died... died by my hand! Maybe things would be different."

By now the tears flooded her face, she didn't even dare look at him when she gave the signal to drop him into the boiling oil after showering him with ice cold water followed by kettle boiled vinegar. The rope which was his life line was slowly snapping, the needles seemed to dig deeper on their own.
"Zuri." Lucifer greets.
"I want you to do something for being the devils assassin."
Zuri rolls her eyes and scoffed.

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