Chapter 20: Bloodbeast and Rattlesnake.

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The rattlesnake that concealed Gemma his out her intense anger and whipped out its blue forked tongue in and out. The purple beast growled and bared its long canine teeth.

Gemma felt alive like when she was in the green bull. She felt unstoppable.

The mutt pounced at the rattlesnake and clamped its immensely powerful jaws around its mid-section. Gemma and the snake hissed in unison at the pain as the snake whipped around unsheathing its fangs and as it was about to sink in the poisonous bite the pup reeled away. The snake shook its hypnotic rattle and different speeds while slithering towards the purple-furry dog. The Bloodbeast snarled at the tail that was slowly hypnotizing him. Gemma tried hard to ignore the snake's pain but it affected her as well. She had to end this ... fast. The Bloodbeast lunged for the same would it caused but the snake was too quick and evaded by springing around. In midair it unsheathed its fangs and sunk them into its neck then pumped indigo poisonous venom into its bloodstream. The angry, envenomed Bloodbeast thrashed around to gnash its deadly canine fangs at the slithering devil but it was already wrapped around the Bloodbeast. More venom was pumped into the Bloodbeast's system.

"We heard yelli- Ohhh shit" two tall thin officers were weirded out the sight. The lightning quick snake snake extracted its fangs and hissed at the man as the Bloodbeast collapsed. With a blink of the human eye, the officers were devoured then only seconds  they were regurgitated as bones and intestines.

Gemma slithered over to Zuri and picked her bloody unconscious body. With one look at the doors, she bolted out. The snake was fast, quick like lightning. From inside the blue rattlesnake that thunderstorm outside didn't affect them. The rattlesnake diminished once Gemma arrived home. She cleansed Zuri's wounds and bandaged them the lay her friend in bed. She followed. Once she was in bed Gemma was instantly immobilized. She closed her eyes she couldn't open them again, breathing caused her pain as if needles poked her. The less she moved the less pain she would have to deal with. The assassins fell asleep uneasily but knowing she and Zuri eliminated all those who knew their secret, she let herself relax.



He lay unconscious on the cold metal floor. His veins glowed blue. A teenaged girl and a teenaged boy appeared. The boy was adored by red and white Vans, vermilion baggy pants and a red long-sleeved shirt with B|¤¤Đ ¥-FÏŁTH  imprinted in maroon. His eyes were crimson with anger, rage. His spiked hair flamed up in red and black flames
"Borris you've failed me.!" He thundered.
"Im dissapointed." The girl put in. The boy backhanded her and she flew across the room.
"Only I speak Lily. 2nd devils sword will sort you out."
"Lucifer. Please no."

Lucifer formed a triangle with his fingers. Dark energy was emmitted with a powerful blast that pushed away everything from it. Lucifer held a long curved black blade that seemed like endless void if stared at. It emmitted dark energy.
"Have mercy my lord" Borris pleaded in his human form.
"Mercy? Haven't heard of it. I give you one simple task: contain Zuri and Gemma or get close to them and you fail... miserably." For a teenager he was as intimidating as they come. Borris lost control of his bladder as the Black-Void blade whizzed through the stale air.
"My lord. Look what I've found." Lily yelled, kneeling before him. She held a black and orange medallion with a tigers face. This stopped the devil in his tracks.
"Well I'll be. Zuri's medallion. Maybe Borris-shit isn't so useless. But see inside the void for my amusement." Lucifer sliced him and the sword came back with his soul and absorbed it into endless darkness.

"Lily. Track down Cavendish with your werewolf-Bloodbeast senses and let him see that this tiger is never released. It will awaken beings within a being and will have too much power."
"More powerful than Nefariette."
"Yes Lily, even Nefariette would appear weak. She is not resurrected or reanimated. My rein as the king of hell is safe. And i will do anything and eveything in my majestic power to make sure that dumb prophesy by the Vygex remains nothing but a myty."
Lily mentally noted that this Nefariette was far more powerful than Lucifer and posed a threat to his kingship. Lily grinned madly on the inside as the devil return Borris' soul.

Thank you lamillion times for reading the updates lovely wattpadders. Hope you enjoyed as much as I did. Please comment and share with other lovely Wattpadders and please go check out my freshest book THE ANOMALIES.

STAY SAFE ASSASSINS you never know.

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