Ch. 5 An Invitation

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Edited 11/14/2018.

After Cat Noir left, Marinette started freaking out. Tikki tried to calm her down, but to no avail.

"Marinette, calm down! He probably doesn't know you're Ladybug, or he would've said something." Tikki said.

"But what if he does?! What if he found out, and is disappointed in who I am? And then he'll decide he doesn't want to protect Paris with someone like me and decides to do it himself?? What if we split up and don't fight together, and then Hawkmoth captures us both and takes our Miraculouses, and then Paris is doomed all because I talked to Plagg?!" Marinette inhaled deeply, than let herself collapse into her pillow.

"Marinette, take a deep breath. If you're that worried, then ask Plagg tomorrow," Tikki suggested.

"You're right Tikki. Tomorrow, I'll get some answers."

The next morning when Marinette arrived at school, she was determined to ask Plagg about Cat Noir. She     even made a Camembert tart to be sure he would come today. She was so focused on her mission, she wasn't paying attention to where she was going she walked right into someone. She looked up and curse her luck it was Adrien!

"Oh, h-hi A-Adrien. Sorry about that," Marinette managed to stutter.

"It's alright. Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yea-" Marinette was cut off by a very, very high pitched squeal.

"ADRIKINS!" Marinette turned and saw Chloe running up to them, then she stopped when she noticed Adrien was holding Marinette.

"Oh, are you alrigh- YOU!" She shouted pointing at Marinette.

"How dare you pretend to trip and fall only so Adrien could catch you. Typical. Of course, it was probably the only way he would notice you," Chloe said.

"What were you coming here for, Chloe?" Adrien asked, casting Marinette an apologetic glance.

"Well, I was going to invite you to the appreciation party daddy is throwing in honor of Ladybug and Cat Noir. I was wondering if you would come with me as my date," she said, fluttering her eyelashes.

Marinette glared at her.

"And What makes you so sure that Ladybug and Cat Noir will show up?" Marinette challenged.

"Well Dupain-Cheng, I'm best friends with Ladybug, and everybody who is anybody will be there. Ladybug wouldn't want to disappoint her fans. I'm sure she will come," Chloe said confidently.

"How are you going to give an invitation to a superhero?" Marinette challenged.

"My daddy will find a way," she said dismissively, squinting at her manicured nails.

"So will you come with me, Adrikins?" She said, batting her eyelashes and accenting on Adrien's nickname.

"Uh... I'll have to ask my father. He might have something planned for me that night," Adrien said nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"Well then get back to me when you know if you're free," she said. She stood on her toes, kissed his cheek and then left, ignoring Marinette.

Marinette was still standing there, silent.

"We should probably get going to class, or else we'll be late," Adrien said.

"Y-yeah," Marinette said. They walked to class and took their seats. When Marinette walked in with Adrien, Alya gave her a knowing smile. She took out a piece of paper and pretended to write notes, but scribbled something down in her slanted handwriting to Marinette.

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