Ch.6 The Ladybug Ball

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Fan art artist: thebirdfromthemoon
Edited 05/07/2019

When Marinette got home from patrol, she started sketching a dress for the ball. Tikki had gone to go get a cookie. When she came back, Tikki looked at the sketch.

"What are you drawing, Marinette?" Tikki asked.

"A dress for the upcoming ball. Do you like it so far?" Marinette asked.

Tikki giggled.

"You don't like it? Is it the stitching? Color?" Marinette asked worriedly.

"No Marinette, It seems like I forgot to tell you."

"Tell me what?" Marinette asked.

"Your Miraculous comes with a formal costume. It was created because we knew that people would want to thank the heroes who saved them," Tikki explained.

"Okay, well, how do I transform into this formal costume?"

"All you have to say is Tikki, spots on, formal. Then, if you need to transform into your normal costume, you just have to say spots on again," Tikki explained.

"Okay, let's try this. Tikki, spots on, formal."

Marinette transformed and looked into the mirror. When she looked at the reflection, she gasped. The dress was red and fit like a glove. It came with matching gloves and a beautiful matching mask. It was so perfect that there were no words to describe it. (Basically, it's the dress at the top. Sorry, I suck at describing clothes.) 

"Tikki spots off," Marinette said. The dress disappeared and was replaced by her civilian clothing. "Wow, the dress is beautiful."

"The dresses are created to specifically flatter the Miraculous Holder, so the dress was created just for you. Plus, this way, you won't need to hide a dress that would be evidence that you're Ladybug," Tikki said.

"I guess I never thought of that," Marinette laughed.

"Well, that's one thing off my to-do list. I 'll text Alya to see if she's available to go get some ice cream."

A few minutes later Marinette was waiting for Alya in the park.


"Woah Alya calm down. What happened?" Marinette asked, even though she had a pretty good idea what Alya was going to say.

"Girl, I was just sitting in my house, working on the homework when someone knocked on the door. I opened it and there was a man there with an invitation for the Ladybug appreciation ball. He said that Ladybug told him that she would go only if I did because she wanted me to cover it for the Ladyblog! Can you believe it?! Ladybug personally asked for me to come!!" She squealed.

"Wow Alya, that's amazing! But why did you just call it the Ladybug appreciation ball? It's the Ladybug and Cat Noir Appreciation Ball," Marinette said.

"Well, when Chloe heard that only Ladybug was coming, she convinced the mayor that the ball should be held just in her honor and that another one would be held for Cat Noir. " Alya said, rolling her eyes.

"She's probably doing it just to get closer to Ladybug," Marinette said, grimacing inside at the thought.

"Yeah, but I'm super excited! C'mon Marinette, you have to help me pick out a dress!" she said.

"To the mall!" Marinette said in enthusiasm.

When they arrived at the mall, Alya tried on dress after dress until they finally found the perfect one. It was a strapless blue dress that looked amazing on Alya's figure.

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