Jon Snow x Reader - We Are One

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A/N - So, in my current, bored state I have begun listening to the best soundtrack ever created, 'Lion King 2: Simba's Pride' which is from my favourite Disney movie of all time. This has led to me becoming really overly attached to the song 'We Are One' again and the meaning behind it, so here is an imagine based on the lyrics. In this story the reader is married to Jon Snow, who is now King of the Seven Kingdoms. I hope you all enjoy it.

"Please stop running, Pippa, I can't keep up," you yelped, coming to a stop in the middle of the path and resting your hands on your hips as you gulped down deep breaths of air. You knew that she would be safe running around the gardens of the Red Keep, but if she were to manage to go beyond the walls she would be a target for anyone who may hold ill feelings towards the royal family. You huffed, beginning to move again, but this time at a slower pace as she disappeared from your site, around the corner of a hedge. You were uncertain why the Gods had chosen to bless you with such an energetic child, especially since you were so athletically apposed. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy running, but you had always been uncoordinated and you thought you looked ridiculous as you hurried along behind your daughter.

You halted on the spot as soon as you saw Jon round the corner with Pippa tucked under his arm. She was squealing and wriggling as he hefted her up higher, careful not to drop her, but he too was laughing. "Mumma, help, he's got me," she screeched, causing you to smile, fighting back the laughter that wanted to bubble from your throat.

"It serves you right," you uttered, putting your hands on your hips as Jon placed her on her feet in front of you. "Perhaps if you were doing as you were told your father wouldn't have to catch you for me." Jon was fighting back a smile behind his daughter, attempting to set a good example.

"But I wanted to keep running," she told you with a sigh that made her sound like an old woman who had suffered the world for far longer than she had hoped, it made you smile, but it was coupled with an eyebrow raise.

"You need to listen to me, Pippa, or you'll end up getting hurt," you corrected her as quickly as you could, but she rolled her eyes, and your jaw tightened slightly.

"I know, I know," she huffed. "You never know who may be lurking about King's Landing waiting to hurt you," she added, watching as your smile faded and sighing again.

"I tell you these things because they are true, and if you were to get hurt I don't know what I would do," you told her crouching slightly to stroke her cheek lightly. "And if you ever roll your eyes at me again I will lock you in the library with Maester Tarly and make him teach you about the Seven Kingdoms again," you added, causing her to chuckle. You stood back up and glanced at Jon quickly. "Perhaps we should go inside now, it looks like your father was in a rush," you told her, reaching out your hand for hers.

"Not at all." He grinned, moving to her other side and taking her other hand as he led you both towards a grassy lawn on the other side of the path. "I have nothing of importance to do for the rest of the afternoon," he told you both, before slumping down onto the grass and pulling Pippa down with him, causing her to giggle as she fell into his lap.

"Are you certain?" you asked as you took the few steps to sink to the floor beside them, resting your hands in your lap. "I don't want to have to sit and listen to Davos telling me off for letting Pip distract you again," you added and he chuckled slightly.

"There is no work for me; Davos said he would find me if I was needed," he answered, reaching to give your hand a quick squeeze before moving back to tickle Pippa.

You weren't sure what it was that made you hate being Queen, perhaps it was the lack of privacy, or the sense of duty, or maybe the pressure to produce a male heir for Jon. He had never mentioned it himself, but you knew deep down that he wanted a son as much as his people did. But you were set on Pippa being able to rule alone, mostly so that she could stay in King's Landing for as long as possible. You didn't like the city, but it was better than being completely isolated from her family.

Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines: Part Two (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon