Young!Robert Baratheon X Reader - Cross Me

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A/N- This imagine is based on the song 'Cross Me' by Ed Sheeran Ft. Chance the Rapper and PnB Rock. I get some Head Bitch In Charge vibes from the girl they're singing about and felt the need to create my own character based on that. I hope you all enjoy it.

Your husband had always been slightly over-protective of you. Not that you needed him to be, of course; you had always been more than capable of looking after yourself. But this was something else. Robert was practically roaring at the man in front of him, his hand gripping his throat tightly as he pushed him up against the wall.

The sight left you slightly uncomfortable. You had already dealt with the issue and the black eye the man had already been sporting, before Robert's intervention, was evidence enough of your actions. 

"Touch my wife again and, I swear, I will tear your pathetic little head off of your shoulders. Am I understood?" The words left Robert in a growl, rumbling out of his chest, so low that it sounded as though someone else was saying them. 

"Yes, Your Grace," the man yelped, the words broken and pitchy. 

Robert released him suddenly, watching as the man crumpled to the floor, leaning back against the wall. "Now, get out of my sight." The man did as he was told, his legs wobbling beneath him as he attempted to scurry away as quickly as he could manage.

"I had it sorted," you uttered softly, drawing your husband's eye to you, and watching as his whole demeanour softened at the sight of you.

Your husband hummed, crossing the few steps between you to draw you into a kiss, leaving you utterly breathless for a moment. "He needed to be taught a lesson," he mumbled against your lips, "bastard deserved everything he got."

"He touched my ass, by accident, and he got my full fury in the form of a black eye. I had it all under control." 

Robert wrinkled his nose slightly at your words. "No man lays a hand on my wife and gets away with it," he muttered, attempting to draw you into another kiss, which you quickly ducked away from.

"You aren't listening to me," you paused for a moment, reaching up and gripping his chin so that he would keep his eyes on yours, "He didn't get away with it. I had already dealt out a fitting punishment."

He grumbled slightly, pulling back a little to look down at you. "I don't like other men touching you."

"I don't like other men touching me, either, but sometimes it happens. You can't go flying off the handle every time someone accidentally gets a little too close." A small smile found itself on your lips as you glanced up at him again, running your hands over his chest to rest on his shoulders. "No other man will ever get to touch me as you do, My jealous lover." You craned your neck, pressing a passionate kiss to his lips, your hand moving to cup his cheek, bringing him closer to you as you felt his grip tighten on your waist.

*Time Skip*

The next morning, you were sitting beside your husband in the throne room, watching as man after man fell before him to ask for something or other. It could be tedious at times, sitting quietly for hours on end, and having to keep a smile plastered on your lips for the entire time; by the end of it, your jaw ached. This time, however, something more interesting was on the horizon.

You watched as an older Lord took the stand, his eyes drifting to you for a moment, before landing back on your husband. He cleared his throat, catching your attention.

"Tywin Lannister. Why do you come before the King and Queen today?" Lord Arryn began, distaste clear on his face as he practically snarled at the man in front of him.

"I am sad to say I do not come before our King with good tidings," he began, his voice as sharp as a ripe lemon as it echoed around the room. "It appears that our Queen has been unfaithful." Your breath caught in your throat, the smile finally dropping from your lips as you got to your feet. A chorus of gasps travelled the room, all eye finding you at the front of the room.

"You forget yourself, My Lord," Lord Arryn spat out, now also standing. 

Robert remained on the throne, a deep growl emitting from his throat as he scowled down at the older man. 

"And who is it I have been, supposedly, sharing my bed with, My Lord?" You uttered, regaining your voice just enough to allow the words to find themselves.

Tywin's gaze found you, "I have sources who claim to have seen you with a stable boy in town, on multiple occasions."

A small chuckle bubbled out of you, and you simply shook your head. "'The stable boy' is my bastard nephew, I visit him from time to time to check he is doing well." The old man began to scowl as you smiled down at him, giving a small shrug. "Are there any other infidelities you are, oh so, certain I have committed, or can we continue with the days' proceedings?"

"That will be all, Your Grace." Tywin turned to leave, only hesitating when Robert cleared his throat.

"You have not been excused," he started, drawing all eyes back to your husband. "I think you owe your Queen an apology."

Tywin nodded slightly, "Of course." He turned to face you, his teeth gritted and jaw tight as his eyes met yours. "My apologies, Your Grace." 

"Perhaps, you will know better than to listen to rumours from now on, Lord Tywin. Especially given your families-" Robert paused for a moment, his lips turning up into a crude smirk, "-interesting reputation."

The man before you both looked as though he was ready to tear your husband's throat out, but he simply nodded. "Yes, Your Grace." 

"Good," he paused for a moment, glancing over you with a smile, "Then you are excused." The room had fallen silent, watching as you smirked at the retreating back of the older lord. "Let it be known, to the Lords and Ladies of the court-" Robert began, getting to his feet and reaching out his hand for you to join him, "-that the spreading of foul rumours regarding my wife, is prohibited and will be met with justifiable punishment." There was a muttering of agreement amongst the court, whether they truly agreed or not, and you quickly took your husband's hand, tucking yourself into his side as he led you out of the throne room.

"Thank you," you murmured softly, as you made your way to your chambers. You smiled as he brought your hand up to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to the skin of your knuckles.

"There is nothing to thank me for, My Love."

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Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines: Part Two (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora