Tyrion Lannister X Reader - Breathe Me

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A/N - I based this imagine on the song 'Breathe Me' by Sia. It's a pretty song and I hope you like it.

You stood outside Tyrion's chamber door for what seemed like the umpteenth time. Once more attempting to hold back tears but becoming tired of having to. You lifted your hand and knocked, waiting for his voice to call out for you. When you went to knock again it was Bronn who opened the door for you. He smiled when he noticed who it was, giving you a cheeky grin, but he was quick to notice that something wrong.
"What happened?" he huffed, moving out of your way and gesturing for you to come in. When you came further into the room you could see Tyrion sitting by the window.
"Y/N," he started. It was all you had needed for the tears to start flowing and he was on his feet in mere moments. He took your hand to lead you to a seat of your own, placing a cup into your hand and pouring you some wine. "What happened?" he finally asked and you let out a shaky breath.
"He decided to cut ties," you told him, sniffling as you attempted to pull yourself together. "The bastard decided he didn't want me anymore," you continued. You were scrubbing at your eyes with the back of your hand to get rid of the tears.
"Did he say why?" Tyrion had become very protective of you since you had come to King's Landing from the North. He had taken you under his wing when he had found you on the road, starving, cold, and in need of some sort of shelter. You had come with him through his journey with the Starks and planned to remain with him for as long as you could. He would never tell you so, but he had never approved of the man you had been seeing. Some knight who had decided he was worth more than anyone else in King's Landing. But you had loved him, or so you had said.
"I'm not of the right stature of woman he could see himself with," you mumbled. Tyrion's face turned red as he glared at the floor. "He said it would be fine if I were prettier. Knights marry pretty peasant girls all the time, but he didn't think it would be worth it with me."
Tyrion's fists were wound tight, wishing he could inflict as much pain on the man as he had caused you. But you would never allow it. In spite of all you had been through living on the road, you were a gentle soul, and it was what had drawn Tyrion to you. "He doesn't deserve you," he told you as softly as he could, his hand unclenching and coming to rest on your knee.
"Do you want me to pay him a visit?" Bronn grunted from behind you. His hand came to rest against your shoulder rather roughly as you released a short laugh.
"Don't be ridiculous. He's allowed to want whoever he wants. It isn't his fault that I do not fit his criteria," you told him, forcing a smile onto your lips as you looked up at him.
"But it's his fault that he's a cunt," he huffed back. This time it was Tyrion who laughed at his words, though you looked disapprovingly at them both.
"He's not a-" you started, coming up short when you reached the word. "He's not a bad person," you began again. "Promise me you won't say anything," you hummed, grabbing both of the men's hands and looking between them.
"Fine," Bronn groaned, shrugging as he moved away from you.
"I wont, but if he comes near you I may not be able to help myself." You sighed, pulling Tyrion's hand closer to you.
"Tyrion, please. I'm already under enough scrutiny here without a death on my hands," you uttered. You watched as he nodded his understanding.
"I promise," he answered, though it still wasn't entirely convincing.
*Time Skip*
Tyrion watched as you swung your wooden sword at Bronn, smacking him across the chest. "I got you," you cried in triumph. Your hands flew into the air in victory and you began dancing around the training area Bronn had found for you. He thought, in that moment, that you were the most beautiful woman alive. Especially when you smiled like you were now. You danced over to him, giving a low bow and standing back up straight with a gleaming smile. "Did you see?" you asked him and he shook himself from his thoughts.
"You did incredibly," he uttered and you smiled again, a little chuckle escaping your lips.
"You need to get your head out of the clouds," you told him. You hurried back over to where Bronn was waiting for you, aware of the beating he was about to give you. He didn't like it when you bested him, even if it was all luck on your part. You heard the footsteps coming before you saw Pod coming down the stone steps. Bronn didn't seem to care about your distraction. He swatted at you with the wooden sword causing you to double over. "Fuck," you muttered, clutching at your stomach. "Not fair," you added, slumping to your knees and reenacting a dramatic death scene.
"My Lord. The Queen Regent is coming to see you," Pod told Tyrion. His eyes were still focused on you rolling around on the floor as Bronn laughed over you. Your friend held out a hand, attempting to help you to your feet, but you ignored it.
"How long?" he grumbled before getting to his feet.
"A few minutes at most," Pod murmured, glancing over at where his friend was looking.You were still writhing on the floor, attempting to hold back your laughter. "I've been vanquished," you cried out over and over as Bronn shook his head at you.
"You're too dramatic," he told you with a quirked brow and you laughed. You finally took his outstretched hand and pulled yourself to your feet.
"I'm an actress. What do you expect?" You chuckled through your words before giving a deep bow, causing him to laugh again.
"Y/N. Bronn. I'm going to have to ask you to clear your things. My sister is coming to visit me; she's discovered our new hide-out," Tyrion told you both and you let out a deep sigh.
"I only just started liking this place," you muttered. You leant down and scooped up your wooden sword from where you had dropped it.
"I'm sorry, I had no idea that she would find it." His voice was soft as he came to your side, his hand resting on your arm. You answered him with a smile and a small nod before hurrying out of your newest hiding spot and back up to the Red Keep.
*Time Skip*
A knock on your door had not been expected. In fact, it had half terrified you when you had heard it. It was not everyday that someone would attempt to visit you in your chambers. "Y/N, it's me." Tyrion's voice calmed your shaking nerves and allowed them to settle as you made your way over to the door.
You placed your hand on your hip as you pulled open the door, giving Tyrion your most disapproving look. "You almost scared the life out of me. You ought to warn a person before turning up at their door in the middle of the night," you told him. Your frown turned into a smile as he glanced up at you, his eyebrows raised. "Come in," you chuckled, stepping out of his way to let him pass you.
"I hope I didn't wake you," he started, turning to face you when you scoffed.
"I wasn't even considering sleeping yet," you started. You crossed the room effortlessly and slumped down on the small bed, your legs crossing under you.
"Good," he murmured, coming to sit beside you. "I wanted to tell you that I-" he paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I can't stand seeing you so miserable over all these men who will never be worthy of you." You chuckled at his furrowed brow and broken speech. Usually Tyrion was the smoothest man you knew, but now it sounded as though he had taken a leaf out of Pod's books.
"And who, pray tell, do you believe to be worthy of me?" you asked him, the teasing clear in your voice.
"Me," he answered softly. His eyes were squeezed shut as though he was waiting for a slap, though there was no signs of one coming.
"That isn't funny, Tyrion," you uttered, biting your lip as you watched him let out a deep breath.
"It wasn't a joke," he muttered, finally allowing his eyes to drift open and look at you. "I love you and I don't want to see you keep getting hurt," he continued.
You blinked for a moment, your eyes attempting to fix on him as you thought. You don't know what made you do it, but you leant forward, pressing your lips to his cheek and leaning back to smile at him. "Perhaps we could see where things go," you started, watching as he began to smile.

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