Tyrion Lannister X Wife!Reader - I Don't Care

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'I Don't Care' by Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber. I hope you all enjoy it.

You didn't want to come to the North. There was not a single part of visiting with a family you were unfamiliar with and having to share in celebrations with them that was enticing to you. And yet, here you were, sitting in Winterfell's Great Hall and wishing you had never let Tyrion talk you into coming. He always had this way of convincing you into doing things you didn't want to, with promises that you would enjoy it far more than you expected. Usually, he was right. Of course he was, when wasn't he. But this time, you weren't so certain.

Politely nodding along with conversation had becoming boring so quickly that you had allowed your frown to show, wishing for the life of you that you knew where your husband had snuck off to. 

Jaime was sending you sorry little smiles each time he saw a new Lord or Lady approach you, and even Cersei looked like she pitied you to some extent. 

"Can you excuse me, My Lord," you started quite suddenly, interrupting the man in front of you, whose name you would never remember, mid sentence. "I ought to find my husband before he gets himself into any trouble," you added, and the man nodded, his face a mask of surprise.

"Of course, My Lady," he started, but you were gone before he could finish, making your way towards the door before anyone else could stop you. 

As soon as you were outside you released a breath you didn't know you had been holding, watching as it turned to mist in front of your eyes. You wanted to run your hands through your hair and release the frustration that had built up over the last hour or so, but as your fingers touched your scalp, you remembered the effort that went into the styling and paused, flinching away from it. There would be no way of going back inside at any point if you looked a complete mess, and you would rather not sit out in the cold all night. 

You started moving, as if on instinct, stepping carefully over the cobbled ground and hitching your skirts up slightly to stop them collecting any damp or dirt. Gods, women in the North had a harder time keeping themselves looking their best than the southerners. You rounded the corner, your thoughts still playing in your mind, when you heard your husbands voice, somewhere in the distance. 

Of course, he had snuck out to bother someone else into boredom. As you approached, you recognised the Stark bastard, leaning against the wall and smiling slightly at Tyrion. You hesitated for a moment, considering turning tail and leaving them to it. They both seemed pretty content. And then, Tyrion looked up at you and a smile bloomed across his face. 

"Y/N, sweetness." He paused for a moment, holding out his hand for you to take as you continued towards him. "Come and meet my new friend, Jon."

You linked your fingers through Tyrion's feeling the warmth ebbing into you and chasing away the cold. The smile you sent Jon was a genuine one, and he looked a little startled by the kindness coming from you. "It's lovely to meet you," you told him, glancing back down at Tyrion for a moment, before shaking your head. "Aren't you both freezing?"

Tyrion held up a bottle to you with his free hand, watching as you lifted it to your nose and sniffed, face contorting with disgust as the strong stench of alcohol hit you. "Warmth in a bottle," he stated simply, his grin still plastered in place.

"It won't keep you from frostbite," you told him, brow quirking slightly as though asking him to question you.

"Well," he told you softly, bringing the back of your hand up to his lips for a moment, "I couldn't leave my new friend out here alone."

You chuckled slightly, "and Jon can't come with you because...?"

"Lady Stark won't allow him to join in the festivities." Your smile was gone in an instance, leaving a startled frown in its place. "She thought it would offend the King and Queen."

You glanced over at the boy for a moment, brow furrowed in concern. "That's a horrid thing for her to do," you told him, your voice firmer than you had expected. "She shouldn't treat you like that."

"She doesn't usually, My Lady," he answered quickly. "I don't want you to think ill of her; she's been very good to me."

"And yet, she won't let you share in the merriment of the entire town?" You paused for a moment, letting out a sigh. "Everybody is in there, you should be too." 

Tyrion snorted slightly, drawing your attention back to him. "It won't do any good, Y/N. I've been trying to tempt him inside all evening."

"Oh," you uttered softly, shifting to lean against the wall. "Well then, we ought to get comfortable out here then."

"You should go inside," Jon told you, glancing between you and your husband. "Both of you should."

You chuckled slightly at that. "I don't much fit in with the people inside" you murmured, shaking your head. "I'd much rather spend my time with Tyrion, and I highly doubt he'll be leaving you on your own out here when you've been getting on so well."

Jon looked confused for a moment, and now it was Tyrion's turn to laugh. "You have to remember," he started, "Y/N is married to a dwarf. And people can be rather cruel when others are truly happy."

There was a lull in conversation for a moment, and then Jon finally spoke up. "I'll find you a seat, My Lady." 

"Thank you," you started, smiling when he returned from the stables with a stool. "You are a true gentleman," you added as he placed it down for you.

Tyrion pat your knee lightly when you perched on your new seat, giving you a sweet, thankful smile. There was this silent understanding between you then. Jon needed someone in his corner, and you were both more than willing to be those people, no matter what you may miss out on.

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