Young!Robert Baratheon X Reader - Close To You

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song '(They Long To Be) Close To You' by the Carpenters. I hope you all enjoy it.

Watching your husband work had become something of a normality since you had come to King's Landing. Robert had this energy that drew you to him, and you would always prefer sitting in on court than doing anything else. You were certain that he would have teased you if you told him that. 

Robert, more than any other man you had ever met, loved to have his ego stroked, and you had always been more than willing to do so for him. The way he would grin down at you when you told him how handsome he looked. And Gods, the kisses he would press to your lips when you told him your loved him. Of course, he continued with his big personality in public, but with you he became so sweet and soft, and you adored it with all of your heart. 

Whilst you watched him, he would catch your eye at random intervals, giving you a quick smile, or a wink, and leaving you a little flustered. You could sense the jealousy in the women around you. You were married to a King, and a handsome one at that. They all longed to be in your position, and yet, none of them would ever get the chance. 

It had become very clear, when you had first come to join your husband in the Capital, that he only had eyes for you. There had been rumours of him being a womaniser when he was young, but now that he had you he didn't want anyone else. 

You were startled out of your thoughts when you felt Robert's hand on your knee, drawing your eyes up to him. A smile pulled at your lips as he leant in to press a kiss to your cheek.

"Are you going to join me for lunch?" he uttered softly, hand shifting to linger on your hip as you stood. 

The eyes of the women around you were fixed on the two of you now. "Just us? Or will your counsel be joining us again?" you asked, taking his hand in yours and starting towards the door with him hot on your heel. 

"Just us, sweetness."

You were grinning when you glanced back at him. "Then I would be honoured." He fell into step beside you, arm moving around your waist and pulling you into his side.

"I've missed you," he murmured, lips pressing into the side of your head as you chuckled.

"You've seen me every day this week," you told him through your laughter, and he simply shook his head.

"And it's not been nearly enough." 

"I've been in court every day this week, My Love," you teased, watching as he paused at your door, pushing it open for you.

He scoffed. "It's hardly the same as spending time together. I need to hear your voice more." The smile you sent in his direction as he pressed the door shut was so fond that it almost stopped his heart the moment he saw it.  "You are so beautiful," he murmured, reaching out for you once more and smiling when you stepped into his grip, wrapping your arms around his middle.

"Becoming King has made you sappy," you uttered back, craning your neck to look up into his face. "I like it," you added, feeling a chuckle rumble through his chest.

"I love you," he started, placing a hand on your cheek and leaning down to press his lips to yours. You missed this kind of kiss; sweet, and drawn out, and altogether perfect. You had both been so busy since coming to the Capital that you rarely got these moments together anymore, but now Robert was more than making up for it. As he pulled away, your smile returned, and you reached up to run your fingers across this bearded cheek. "I fear I've been neglecting you, Sweetness."

"No," you told him softly, the pad of your thumb finding its way onto his lips, hesitating there for a moment. "You're busy. Soon enough we'll be back to normal."

Robert sighed, leaning into your touch a little. He nipped at your thumb, causing you to pull it away, and smiling down at you. "There was a time when normal would have scared me, but now I can't wait for it," he uttered, pulling you a little closer so that you were pressed against him. "Gods, what have you done to me?"

You chuckled slightly. "Who said I had anything to do with it?" you murmured, placing your hands firmly against his chest.

"I did. You were worth changing for."

For a moment, you simply stared up at your husband, your cheeks turning slightly red under his gaze. "That's sweet," you uttered, watching as he leant closer, pressing his lips to your forehead.

"I wouldn't have been sweet when we met."

You scoffed slightly, shaking your head. "You were one of the sweetest men I had ever met," you told him, reaching up to grip his chin, holding him in place. "You don't give yourself enough credit," you continued. "You haven't changed nearly as much as you think you have."

When you released his chin again, he leant down, pressing his lips to yours. "I disagree," he murmured against you, and you shook your head.

"Then you are wrong." You paused, shifting out of his grip to cross the room, and sitting on the end of your bed. "Have I changed?" you asked him, watching as his smile turned from cocky to adoring. 

"You've gotten more beautiful, though I wasn't sure it would be possible," he uttered, coming to sit beside you and placing his arm around your shoulders.

"That's not what I meant," you chuckled, leaning into him with a sigh.

"No, sweetness. You haven't changed," he told you softly, his hand rubbing gently against your arm.

You remained quiet for a moment, considering your next words very carefully. "I will though."

Robert's brow furrowed, his grip tightening slightly. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm fun now, and we get to spend all of our free time together. But once the baby comes-"

The sound of Robert's breath catching in his throat caused you to fall silent. "Baby?"

You nodded slightly. "I haven't bled since coming to the Capital."

You were in his arms in an instant, his lips pressed to yours so firmly that it took your breath away. "I love you so fucking much," he grumbled against you, causing you to chuckle as you fell backwards onto the bed, his lips making contact with your neck.

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