Reader x Khal Drogo (LIZZYDRIPPING04's request)

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A/N- This imagine was written for LIZZYDRIPPING04, and I ended up basing it off of Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox version of Creep by Radiohead, which is sung by Haley Reinhart.

He was beautiful, standing before his people and saying nothing at all, but it was as though they were all transfixed, and you were no exception. Standing off to the side of the crowd you couldn't bring yourself to tear your eyes from the man. His plaited hair was long and caused a small smile to come to your lips; he must have won many a battle to be standing where he was today, to be leading this many people with no opposition. His eyes were still raking over the crowd, pausing momentarily here and there; you felt blessed when his eyes landed on you, stopping for just a fraction of a second before moving on.

You were always surprised by his lack of interest in you, usually Dothraki men would keep their gaze lingering on you for longer, unable to tear themselves away from such a foreign beauty. By the standards of your home you may not have been seen as perfect, but here, it was your imperfections that seemed to draw the men to you like flies to a flame. It was flattering to be seen as such a sought after woman, but you had never cared enough to want to be lusted after. Or so you had thought, until you were faced with the Khal. You were certain that he was the most beautiful creature alive, and when you were close to him it was as though the old self-assured version of yourself had run from you as quickly as it's feet would carry it. You would keep your eyes fixed on the floor until he looked away from you, and then spend whatever time you could find staring at the man, watching the way his body moved and loving every second of it.

Each night you would fall onto your bed, made of damp hay and put together by one of the Khal's bloodriders; you had easy convinced the man to sort it for you, batting your lashes and asking sweetly before rewarding him with a soft kiss on his bearded cheek. You would fall onto the bed and bawl, crying yours into a stupor until you could no longer keep your eyes open, deciding instead to just allow sleep to overcome you. You had never been one to cry over a lack of affection before, but with him it all seemed different. There was rarely a moment when you weren't thinking of him in some capacity, considering how it would feel for the roughness of his hands to run over your softer skin, for his lips to meet yours in just a moment of unbridled passion.

You gritted your teeth as he climbed from his horse, parting the crowd and walking among them towards his tent. Suddenly you wished you hadn't remained on the outskirts, wished you had spoken some sense into yourself and pushed in to the front and centre, allowing yourself to touch him as he had passed you. But alas, you hadn't and you had to content yourself by watching as he passed a few feet away from you.

When you had joined the Khalasar it had been his bloodriders that had made a case for you to remain with them, fighting tooth and claw in the hopes that you would reward them for finding you a place among their people. But from the moment you set eyes on Drogo you had known that you would never feel such a pull to any other man, you were hooked.

"Y/N," one of the men muttered beside you, "the Khal would like an audience with you," he added, and you felt your heart jump into your throat, causing you to let out a startled cough.

"Of course," you answered as calmly as you could possibly muster, "perhaps I could go and freshen up first?"

"He is expecting you now," he told you, gesturing for you to follow him, "he will not wait for you." You nodded as you followed him, though he had never glanced back to see it, and you forced a smile onto your lips as you reached the entrance to the tent, which whipped about in the wind, giving you occasional glances into its interior.

"Thank you," you murmured as the man held it open for you, and you quickly ducked inside, giving a short bow to the Khal and smiling widely up at him. "How can I be of service, my Khal?"

He grunted as he stared down at you, his lips still set in a flat line. "What are you doing here?"

Your brows furrowed in confusion, "I was told you wanted to speak with me?" you answered him softly and you watched as he rolled his eyes at your words.

"Why are you still in my camp?" he grumbled, sitting up straighter and causing you to shrink back slightly.

"I was not aware that my stay was supposed to come to an end," you told him, wringing your hands together in front of your stomach.

"My men told me that you had requested to stay for a short period, and yet you are still here, moons later," he continued and you shifted uncomfortably on the spot, forcing yourself to glance up at him.

"I was not told of this arrangement, I was led to believe that my stay here was indefinite." He grunted, and your eyes quickly dropped back to the floor. "I am sorry, my Khal, I would be more than understanding if you were to ask me to leave."

"You don't belong with us," he murmured, and you nodded slightly, attempting to agree though your heart felt as though it was being torn in two. "We can all see how the lifestyle does not suit you," he added and you let out a scoff, causing him to scowl at you.

"I thought I had taken to your ways far better than I had expected," you started, "far better than you would fair in Westeros." His scowl faded at your words and his broad shoulder shook as he laughed at your comment.

"They told me that you could be opinionated, but I hadn't seen it until now," he fought to speak through his laughter, and you own scowl settled onto your face.

"You should also know that I do not take well to being teased, especially not by a man who is trying to rid himself of me," you grumbled and it only caused him to laugh deeper.

"You will not be leaving, I just needed to see that personality of yours for myself."

Your face scrunched up in disgust. "Are you fucking kidding me?" you growled, shaking your head as you continued to stare up at him.

"Please don't be angry with me," he started, "it was just that some of my men told me that you were intimidated by me, I wanted to see the real you."

"You're a fool," you hummed, releasing a deep breath and attempting to calm your fast beating heart.

"And you are far more fun when you learn to relax."

You scoffed, "how am I supposed to relax when you go swanning around looking so perfect all the time, it hardly puts a girl at ease." He chuckled at your words.

"I manage to remain calm around you, despite your immense beauty." You raised an eyebrow as he spoke.

"I must admit, I'm not one to be caught of guard, but you seem to have left me speechless more times than I can count."

He smiled down at you, "And, I plan to keep doing so," he muttered, causing you to release a light chuckle.

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Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines: Part Two (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن