Yara Greyjoy X Fem!Reader - Since You Been Gone

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A/N - This imagine was inspired by the song 'Since you been gone' by Rainbow. Writing this has been super difficult for me because I honestly cannot hear this song without singing along, and since I write predominantly at night with the song on repeat and am now living with my parents again, I'm finding it hard to restrain myself. It's pretty short but I hope you enjoy it.

"How dare you come back here," you hissed. Your hands were flat against the table in front of you as you glared down at the woman you had once thought you had loved. Yara kept her eyes on the floor, like a child being yelled at by their mother. "At least have the decency to look at me when I'm berating you," you told her, your frown etched into your face. She glanced up, her eyes meeting yours for a fraction of a second before flitting away.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," she started. You scoffed as you continued to glare down at her.
"You're sorry?" you asked her, making the noise once more before you pressed on. "You left me without saying a word, and then a month later I receive a letter telling me that you can't be with me anymore. That you couldn't stomach being with me any longer." She shifted uncomfortably in front of you. "But I guess that's all forgiven now, because you're sorry," you chuckled. "Which makes the years of torment over why I wasn't good enough for you so much less painful."
"Please-" she started again, stopping when she saw your pinched expression.
"I'm not finished," you told her, your voice echoing around the room. She nodded silently, allowing you to continue. "Did you ever love me? Or was I the woman you could visit when you got bored of the others?" you asked her, your eyes boring into her as she shook her head.
"Of course I loved you."
"Of course," you uttered. "Because running away in the middle of the night makes a woman feel treasured," you spat. You paused for a moment, a short bark of laughter escaping you. "Gods, you're clueless to your own actions aren't you? Completely and utterly clueless."
"I didn't mean to hurt you," she uttered and the room fell silent as you stared at her in disbelief.
"All you had to do was talk to me, Yara. I would have understood if you weren't happy being with me," you told her. Your voice was as soft as silk as you finally got to your feet. "But you made your decision, and from where I'm standing it was the wrong one." You paused for a moment, glancing at her face for a moment before shaking your head. "Please escort Lady Greyjoy back to her ship," you called to a guard stationed at the door. The man turned and marched towards where Yara was standing.
"Y/N, please. I didn't know what else to do," she cried out. She moved out of the guard's reach and took the few steps up to come and stand right in front of you. "He gave me no choice," she continued, but you held up a hand to silence her.
"Please give us a moment," you muttered to the guard, who nodded and exited the room. You waited as the door clicked shut, and finally glanced up at Yara. "Who gave you no choice?" you asked her, gesturing for her to take the seat opposite you.
She took a deep breath. "I don't like to speak ill of the dead. But your father practically begged me to leave," she told you. She continued to watch you as you nodded in consideration. "He told me that he would disown you if I didn't go and I didn't want to stand between you and your family."
"You should have spoken with me. I could've fixed it," you sighed. "But instead you cursed me to a lifetime of reading that damned letter. I read it over and over, and every time I wished it said something different."
"I understand that now, I promise you, I never meant for this to happen," she hurried but you let out a loud scoff at her words.
"Your words were so spiteful that I find it hard to believe," you uttered, only just loud enough for her to hear you. "You said that you couldn't ever imagine spending another moment with me," you continued. You watched as she squeezed her eyes shut, taking a deep breath. You had to admit, if it was a lie, she was a fantastic actress. "In fact," you uttered, allowing a small smile to pull at your lips. "I have it here somewhere," you told her. You pulled open the draw beside you and pulling out a worn sheet of parchment. "Here it is," you exclaimed.
"Y/N, don't do this," she started, but you shushed her before laying the paper down in front of you.
"Y/N," you read, glancing up at her for a moment. "It pains me to say that our time together must come to an end," you continued. You allowed your fingers to dance along the smudged ink, tracing the words. "But it seems we must go our separate ways. It's become clear to me that you aren't the woman for me. In fact, if I were to spend one more moment lying to myself about my feelings for you I would likely go mad. Kind Regards, Yara Greyjoy." You smiled to her as you finished, tears clear in your eyes as you watched her. "Kind fucking Regards," you spat out.
"Are you done torturing me for this? I made a mistake, I knew it as soon as I wrote the damned letter."
"Then why did you send it?" you spat at her. She remained silent and you shook your head, leaning back in your seat. "I won't be done torturing you until this-" you paused for a moment, gesturing  at the letter. "-Stops torturing me. I'll be sure to write you a letter when that happens." Yara nodded, getting back to her feet and pushing the seat back into its spot beneath the table.
"I'm so sorry," she muttered before giving you a final nod and crossing the room to leave.

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