Theon Greyjoy X Stark!Reader - Sixteen

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A/N- This imagine is based on the song Sixteen by Ellie Goulding. I hope you all enjoy it.

"I believe you are making a grave mistake, Y/N dear," Septa Mordane muttered, her hand coming to pat your shoulder lightly as she gave you one of her sad smiles, the type of smiles she reserved for when she wanted desperately for you to stop putting up a fight. "Theon may be lovely now, but he can be a horrid boy at times, and I wouldn't want you getting caught up in all of the trouble he causes."

You had been having the same conversation since the day you and Theon had announced your engagement, and from what you could see, they showed no signs of stopping. If it wasn't Septa Mordane it was Maester Aemon, and when they weren't bothering you, even your mother would make snide little comments about your decision. It seemed that the only adult who actually seemed to care that you loved your betrothed was your father. 

Of course, Lord Stark adored Theon. He had done from the first moment he had laid eyes on the curly-haired, red-cheeked, little boy, and now that the child had become a man, he could see the happiness that Theon had brought into your life. And, not to mention, Robb's love of the man. Sure, he had been somewhat taken by surprise by the announcement, but he was nothing but supportive of your decision.

"How well do you know Theon, Septa?" you asked softly, lifting your head from your book and locking your eyes with hers, "I mean, beyond the whispers of his misbehaving, what do you truly know about him?"

The woman looked taken aback, her hand resting lightly on her chest as she took a suspiciously deep breath. Her cheeks had tinged slightly with blush, and you could see how flustered you had made her.

"I believe it was you who once told me, Septa Mordane, that it is very unladylike to spread rumours. I think it would be best if you learned to remember the lessons you teach, and your place here in Winterfell before you speak ill of my husband-to-be." The Septa nodded slightly, her lips fixed in a thin, straight line. "Good," you uttered softly, allowing a smile to find its way onto your lips, "I think today's lessons are finished, don't you?"

Septa Mordane nodded before making a hasty exit from the room, leaving you alone. As soon as the door was shut the smile fell from your face, replaced by a deep frown. 

You loved Theon and there was no doubt in your mind that becoming his wife would give you the greatest joy your life had ever seen, but the thought of the constant verbal barrage of character assassinations towards your husband left you somewhat hesitant. You wanted your family to love him; not just your father and Robb, but your mother and your siblings too. 

You got to your feet, stretching out your limbs as you rose, and gathering the books from the table to set them back on their shelves. Perhaps, if you were to go and speak with Theon he would settle your nerves; he had always been good at that.

When you reached his chambers, you hesitated slightly, your hand pausing just before it hit the wooden door. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You were being silly. You loved this man more than anyone else in the world, and you weren't about to let anyone, or anything for that matter, make you doubt that.

You rapped on the door lightly with your knuckle, smiling when you heard his grumbling coming from inside the room. 

The way his grouchy face turned, so quickly, into a grin as his eyes found you left you speechless for a moment, and you simply chuckled as you leant forward to wrap your arms around his middle.

"Your mother will have us both killed if she finds out that you've been visiting my chambers," he uttered softly, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your temple. 

A small sigh escaped your lips as he pulled you inside, pressing the door shut behind you both, and his grip loosened slightly.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing," you started softly, burrowing into his chest, "just missed you."

Theon laughed, a sweet sound that left you feeling as light as air as you clung to him. "You saw me three hours ago." You chuckled when he took your chin between his fingers, lifting your face gently so that he could press a kiss to your lips. "Tell me the truth."

"Septa Mordane was being ridiculous-" you paused for a moment, considering the next part of your sentence, "it's like she's obsessed with putting a stop to our wedding."

You shook your head slightly as Theon frowned, his brow furrowing as he looked down at you. The room was silent for a moment, and you watched as he took a seat on his bed, his hands clasped in front of him as he thought. "Do you ever wonder whether we're doing the right thing?"

It felt as though the air had been punched out of your lungs, your mouth hanging open in a search for words that never came. Instead, you shrugged. "Sometimes, yeah. But I would never seriously consider breaking this off." You reached forward, taking his hands in yours and stepping between his knees. "The idea of having to spend the rest of my life with anyone other than you is terrifying."

He let out a breath that you hadn't realised he was holding, lifting your hands to his mouth and kissing the soft skin. "Do you remember," Theon paused for a moment, snorting at his own thought, "that one time when your mother caught us in the stables?" You nodded, holding back a girlish giggle that wanted to escape you. 

"It was only a little kiss, but she was furious," you confirmed, shifting to sit in his lap.

Theon nodded, "she told me, that night, that I wasn't good enough for you." He stopped talking for a moment, his nose brushing against the skin of your neck. "Looking back, I agree with her. I wasn't good enough for you then, but I'm better now."

You lifted your hand, running it over the scruff on his cheek and smiling down at him. "We've both grown up since then," you uttered softly, "but there was never a time where you weren't good enough for me."

Theon's eyes drifted closed as he took in a deep breath. "I love you." He said the words so softly that they were barely audible, but you appreciated them, nonetheless, feeling that rush of euphoria as the words sunk in.

"I love you, too." You paused, absolutely focused on the smile that came to his lips, lighting up his entire face. "And nothing anyone says will ever change that."

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Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines: Part Two (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz