Robb Stark X Reader - Always Remember Us This Way

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A/N- I went to see A Star is Born this week and now I'm sad and living for love songs. I hope you enjoy this imagine, based on the song Always Remember Us This Way by Lady Gaga.

You had been dreading the day your husband would go to war for months. When his father had gone off to become hand of the king there had been a sinking feeling in your stomach. He had always said that nothing good could come from a Stark going South, and there he was riding off for the capital as though the words had never existed. 

Robb was distraught when he had heard of his father's imprisonment, and in that moment, with his mother on the road, one of his brothers unable to walk on his own, the other barely old enough to cut his own food, and his sisters stuck in the capital, you had been his rock. He had clung to you that night, so sure of what would come that you needed to just be together for one last time. You hadn't spoken the entire time.

The next morning was when he gave you the news, he would be riding out as soon as he could muster enough of an army. "Perhaps this isn't the best way," you had told him softly, but you knew in your heart that it would make no difference, and your protests died out as he began to make his plans.

Your father and his men had been quick to come to his aid, and you had to fight to hold back your anger at their eagerness. The longer it took for them to gather an army, the longer you could keep your husband safely in your home. But Robb was dedicated to his cause, and as soon as he could he was readying his army to march.

You had spent much of the day that he left avoiding him. There was no way that Robb would leave for war without saying goodbye, and you were hoping that in avoiding his presence he would remain for just a while longer. Though your plan was foiled when he found you, hidden away in the library, sat with a book clutched in your hands.

"I don't know how you can bare the smell in here." His voice caused you to tense slightly, glancing over your shoulder at him with a small, sad smile. "It's the mustiest room in the entirety of Winterfell," he added softly, his hand running over your arm before linking your fingers with his.

You hummed softly, "I quite like it," you uttered, "it smells like all of history crammed into one room." 

He crouched low beside you, pressing his lips to the back of your hand in a light kiss. "I don't know how, but you make even this place sound beautiful." You released a small chuckle at his words.

"You're a fool," you laughed. The room fell quiet, the sadness of the day falling over both of you in a heavy silence. "What time are you leaving?"

Robb sighed. "Soon." It was enough to bring tears to your eyes as you considered his answer. "Please," he murmured lightly, tightening his grip on your hand slightly. "I can't stand seeing you so upset."

You brought your free hand up to your chest, feeling it rise and fall as you attempted to calm your breathing. "I'm going to miss you."

"We aren't having this conversation," he started, "I don't want this to be the last thing we say before I leave." You nodded as he lifted his hand, wiping away the stray tears as you attempted to blink them away. "Come," he muttered, getting to his feet and helping you up before taking your place and helping you perch yourself in his lap.

"Do you really not like it in here?" The question seemed to catch him off guard, causing him to snort with laughter. 

You turned to face him, glancing down into his face as he patted your knee lightly. "I could never dislike it, you spend so much time in here," he told you softly, pulling you down to press a kiss to your lips.

A small smile worked its way onto your lips, "you are such a sentimental boy," you murmured, laughing when he smiled sweetly up at you. "This is what I'm going to remember," you spoke again, feeling his arms tighten around your waist.

You both sat in silence after that, and it was only broken when a knock came on the door and Theon entered the room. "I tried to put them off, but they're insisting that we start moving."

You gave him a small nod, getting to your feet with Robb's hand still held tightly in yours. "You take care of yourself," you told him, leaning up and pressing your lips against his. You gave his hand a final squeeze before releasing it. "I love you."

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