Lannister!Reader X Sandor Clegane - No More Idols

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A/N- This imagine is based on an entire album, which is "No More Idols" by Chase and Status, featuring a large selection of other artists (too many to actually list, so the ones below are Fire in Your Eyes featuring Maverick Sabre, Blind Faith featuring Liam Bailey, and Hitz faturing Tinie Tempah.) I hope you enjoy it.

You had never been able to keep yourself out of trouble, your sister had always told you so. Cersei had always made it very clear that she did not approve of your actions, but you didn't seem to pay her any mind as you continued to train yourself. You were the only, and therefore favourite, sister of the queen, and you had taken it as an advantage, having the best sword that money could but crafted for you. You would always blame Jaime for your higher than average interest in war; the way he had spoken of battle when you were children had caused you to fall for the art of sword play.

"I do not need a guard," you growled, marching down the hall with your hand on the hilt of the sword you had at your hip. When the footsteps continued you stopped on the spot and span to face The Hound with a scowl. "Are you deaf or are you just ignoring me?" you asked through gritted teeth.

"I do as the royal family requests, My Lady, and your sister has asked me to keep you out of trouble." You ran your tongue over your teeth as you thought, your eyes wandering over the wall behind Sandor with little care for what you were actually seeing.

"I'll cut you a deal," you started, glancing back up at the large man, "I won't tell my sister if you wont," you continued with a small shrug. "That way we both win."

"No deal," he answered you, his voice rumbling around you and causing you to scowl at him once more.

"You are insufferable," you told him, spinning on your heal once more and storming away towards the training yard, with Sandor close behind you. You could hear him chuckling to himself at your words, and were still scowling as you stepped out into the sun, glancing around to see who you would be challenging that morning. Your eyes locked on the largest man in the yard, and a smile came to your lips; there was no way Sandor would hang around if you asked Gregor to spar with you. You glanced over your shoulder at The Hound, giving him a quick smirk before skipping away from him and towards his brother.

It didn't take long for Sandor to cotton on to your plan, and he crossed the space between you before you could even come close to his psychopathic brother, his hand wrapping easily around your arm and pulling you off balance. "Do you have a death wish?" he hissed at you, releasing your arm when he had you cornered.

"Perhaps if you would leave me alone I wouldn't have one," you spat back at him, shoving your hands into his chest, but he didn't budge as he glared down at you.

"Your sister is worried for your safety in the yard, it is not my fault that you have a track record of not being able to protect yourself." He wasn't expecting your fist to make contact with his face, a fact you were counting on, but he still barely shifted as he continued to stare at you. You could hear the other men in the training yard laughing, it was rare for anyone to bring any harm to The Hound, even if it was a hit as light as the one you had landed. "Touch me again, and I swear," he began, his words stopping when your fist hit him again. His hand came up to touch his face, moving his jaw around for a second.

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