Tyrion Lannister X Friend!Reader - When We're Human

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A/N- This imagine is based, quite loosely, on the song When We're Human from The Princess and the Frog. It's one of the best Disney soundtracks, and I hope you enjoy listening to it as you read along.

You had been hearing rumours of the little lion man from the day you first found yourself at Queen Danaerys' side. His womaniser ways, and his drinking habits, had often travelled before him, and when he had finally arrived with Jorah at his side you had been rather surprised by his kind, and calm, nature. He was, as you had been told, a flirt, but it was harmless, and you often brushed it off with your quick wit.

Tyrion often spent his evenings with you, and most nights Greyworm and Missandei would join you, the three of you watching in shock as he drank his fill without even the slightest hint of drunkness overcoming him. Your conversations often faded as the evening grew later, and one by one you would all disperse to your chambers, but tonight seemed different. The people were growing restless at Dany's disappearance, and there was little any of you could do, or say, to calm them.

"What will you do when she takes the throne?" It had been a question playing in your mind since Tyrion had first come to Mereen, and the other two seemed to perk up at the question as Tyrion sent you sweet smile.

He shrugged slightly, "I will stay at her side, and I will go back to my old life." You ran your tongue over your teeth, as though tasting his words. "Parties every night, a new woman at the end of each. Doesn't sound too bad to me."

You scoffed, shaking your head. "That's disgusting." Tyrion looked shocked at your words, but made no move to speak. "You have no understanding of the responsibilities you have do you? You can't just go about partying all the time, being an advisor to the Queen is hard work."

"I didn't have much trouble when I did it," he told you, a cocky half-smile etched onto his lips.

You cocked your head to the side, "and how well did that work out for you?" You heard Missandei stifle a cough, her eyes flitting between the two of you. "My father always told me that 'what you give is what you get', if you are willing to put in the work then you will be successful."

Tyrion hummed slightly, "cute," he mumbled quietly, and you shook your head.

"You'd think that, in following our Queen, you would understand that having everything handed to you in life doesn't mean you should be celebrated." It was then that you crossed your arms over your stomach, quickly getting to your feet. You took a final deep breath, forcing a smile onto your lips. "But then again, different upbringings," you muttered, smoothing out your skirts before heading out of the door.

You heard Tyrion release a deep sigh as you started down the hall, and then came a light thump as he rolled to his feet. "Y/N," he called out, his feet slapping against the floor, "Wait." You paused, turning to face him. "I'm sorry," he told you softly, coming to a stop as he finally reached you.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," you uttered. It felt wrong to harbour such anger for him, given that he had not decided to be born to such a family.

"No," he continued, biting the inside of his lip for a moment as he considered his next words very carefully. "You're right; I need to be more responsible in my actions. If you see that slipping I would like for you to correct me."

You nodded slightly, "alright," you told him softly, "if that is what you want."

*Time Skip*

You had managed to get within a foot of Tyrion without him noticing you, though you were unsure how you had managed it. You cleared your throat, causing him to jump slightly, sitting up from his earlier lounging position, and turning his eyes on you. "Oh, Y/N, I completely forgot about our meeting this afternoon," he started softly, getting to his feet.

Tyrion looked confused when you shook your head. "It is not an issue. The Khaleesi has told me of your loss." Tyrion frowned. Losing a family member was always hard, but losing someone as young as Tommen would be one of the worst experiences of Tyrion's life, especially under the circumstances. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to."

You both stayed quiet for a moment, your eyes watching his face as he held back his emotions. "Thank you."

"You know where to find me," you finally uttered, giving him a soft smile, and patting his shoulder lightly.

The smile faded as you turned to walk towards the door; you had hoped that he would open up to you. The idea of him stewing in his own sadness was horrible, almost painful, and you knew he would struggle to put it into words without prompting. "Y/N," he grumbled, his voice thick, "would you stay for a while?"

You nodded as you turned back to him, moving to perch on the corner of his settee. You had never noticed before just how tired he looked, nor how red his eyes were. You reached forward taking his hand in yours. 

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