Robb Stark X Reader - Landslide

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A/N- This imagine was written whilst I listened to the song 'Landslide' by Fleetwood Mac. This is a song that I've been hearing for years and, for some reason, it has only just become something that holds meaning for me. Change can be good, even if it comes out of, seemingly, nowhere. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had always struggled to deal with change. As a child, even the minuscule stuff would bother you; a lost toy, a new chambermaid, even something as small as a changed seem on a dress. It all got under your skin and left you uncomfortable. 

It had been that way when your father had first taken you North to visit with the Stark family. The cold and snow contrasted so extremely with your own home that you had spent much of the first day just staring at the landscape. It all seemed so calm, in spite of your racing mind and rising anxiety, and you found yourself confused for a moment. For once, the change in front of you wasn't a negative one, even if it was terribly frightening. 

It was during that trip that you had first met Robb. He had been so sweet, showing you around the castle, and helping you find your bearings; you were falling for him within the first few days, and by the end of the trip you were head-over-heels in love with the boy. Not that you had told him, of course, you were far too nervous to ever do such a thing. 

In fact, it was Robb who had first told you of his feelings, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips and uttering a soft goodbye in your ear. It was that day that Winterfell had become your favourite place in Westeros, and that opinion had never faltered. 

You had stayed in contact through letters, after that, sending sweet little love notes and only growing closer, despite the physical distance. When you had finally returned to Winterfell it was with the promise of marriage.

Robb greeted you at the gate, the rest of his family waiting a little further behind him. You had taken his outheld hand and climbed out of the carriage, gripping him so tightly that you were almost certain you had seen him wince for a moment. But soon enough, his smile had returned, and yours along with it.

"I've missed you." Robb's words were followed by a quick kiss on the cheek, his thumb rubbing over the skin on the back of your hand in a sweet, comforting gesture.

You chuckled slightly, happy to be back in his company, and lifted your free hand to his face, feeling the scruff of his beard beneath your palm. "I missed you too." 

It was then that Lord and Lady Stark began to approach you both, grinning from ear to ear as they reached you. "Y/N, it's lovely to see you again," Lady Stark began, drawing you into a quick hug, "and I'm delighted at the circumstances."

You opened your mouth, as though to answer, but Lord Stark beat you to it. "We are so pleased that you will be joining our family."

You smiled, your grip on Robb's hand tightening for a moment. "I'm honoured that you would allow me to, My Lord." You paused for a moment, your smile faltering. "My father sends his apologies. My grandmother was taken ill a few days before we were supposed to begin travelling." You paused once more, clearing your throat. "He doesn't believe he will be able to make it to the wedding," you continued, feeling Robb's hand move to rest comfortingly on the small of your back.

"That is such a shame," Lady Stark began, "your grandmother is a lovely woman, from what little I remember of her." You nodded your agreement, watching as your mother-in-law-to-be frowned at you. "We ought to let you settle," she began again, reaching out to squeeze your hand for a moment, "you've had a long journey."

*Time Skip*

You had only been married for two months when Lord Stark had ridden for the capital, and so much had already changed in such a short time.  It seemed that Winterfell had lost some of its sparkle with so many of its inhabitants missing. You missed the laughter and the joy that had been so fundamental to your own happiness.

"I have a confession," you had told Robb one evening as you both readied yourself for bed. He hummed slightly, pausing in his actions to look up at you. "I truly love your family," you started once more, shifting to sit on the edge of the bed, "and I miss them."

Robb sighed slightly, moving around the bed to stand between your legs. He placed one finger on your chin, tilting your head up to look at him. "They love you too, My Sweet, and no amount of distance will ever change that."

"I know," you started again, craning your neck slightly as he leant down to kiss you, interrupting your thoughts. "I know," you began again, "but it would have been nice for our child to have their family around."

The room felt as though the air had been sucked out of it, leaving you breathless as your husband furrowed his brow. "Do you," he started softly, shaking his head as the question trailed away from him. "Are you?"

You nodded, taking his hand in yours and placing them against your stomach. "A lot is going to have to change, Robb," you uttered softly, "and a few years ago I would have been absolutely terrified, but now I know I have never been more ready or anything in my life."

"This child is going to be so special," he uttered, his hand coming shifting away from your stomach and up to your cheek. "I love you so much."

You smiled, capturing his lips with yours once more and wrapping your arms around his chest. "I love you too."

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