Theon Greyjoy X Reader - Love Me Like You

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Love Me Like You' by Little Mix. Reader is fostered at Winterfell with the Starks, but their original house is not named. I hope you all enjoy it.

The first time Lady Stark had mentioned suitors you had been stunned. Sure, you had known that someday you would be expected to take a husband, but you had assumed that you would be allowed to make the decision on your own. 

You had hoped, that by the time the question of marriage had come around, you would be more certain in your feelings for Theon. That he would be completely loyal to you and would ask for your hand without any hesitation.

Unfortunately, that was not the case, and now here you were, listening to Lady Stark ramble on about of the Northern lords and their suitable sons. This was the kind of conversation Sansa would have lived for. Handsome young men, and the castles they would eventually be the Lord of. But you were less excited. 

The idea of marrying a man you had hardly met was terrifying. Whilst they were in Winterfell they would be expected to be on their best behaviour, but once you were married, that could all disappear, and there would be nothing you could do about it.

But you remained quiet. It's not like you could tell Lady Stark of your worries. She would simply state how well it had worked out for her, marrying Lord Stark. Or her sister, marrying Jon Arryn. Of course, there were good examples. There were always perfect marriages, at least on the surface. But then there were the others. Elia Martell and Rhaegar Targaryen. You had always believed that she had deserved better than an unfaithful husband, that she never should have died, nor her children. 

Perhaps, you could ask Theon, beg him to save you the troublesome suitor process, propose marriage to him. The idea left your mind as quickly as it had entered. It would be a wonderful way of driving him away from you, but that was a thought you couldn't bear to have. 

No, this was something you were going to have to do without him. But Gods, did you wish you could have him by your side, comforting you through the uncomfortable situation before you.

*Time Skip*

"Sansa tells me that you've begun courting," Theon murmured softly, watching you across the table and leaving you red in the face, mouth flapping open as you searched for words.

"I'd hardly call it courting," you told him quietly, a small frown pulling at your lips. "Lady Stark insisted I begin meeting some suitors. I assume that she does hope I will fall in love with one of them, but I'm not so certain." Theon hummed slightly, eyes fixed on his plate as he shoved the food around it, not eating. "You know me Theon, I won't allow myself to be rushed into a decision."

He nodded slightly, finally glancing up at you with a half hearted smile. "'Course."

Gods, you felt guilty already. You loved Theon, and he loved you, and here you both were with a problem in front of you, but neither of you were willing to step up and fix it. "I can't think of anything worse than sitting with some stuck up Lord sipping tea and listening to him talk rubbish all afternoon."

Theon let out a genuine snort of laughter at that. "You're going to be bored shitless."

You chuckled, nodding. "Hopefully, Lady Stark will lead the conversation, save me the effort."

And just like that, Theon's smile faded, replaced with a tight-lipped frown. "Yeah. Hopefully." He was on his feet a moment later, headed out of the Great Hall and leaving you shocked and alone at the table.

*Time Skip*

You had been entirely correct in your assumption that your afternoons with your suitors would be tedious. Oh, I must tell you of the deer we caught on our last hunt. A huge thing, it was. Gods, if you had to listen to one more description of how to skin a fresh kill, you were going to cry right there at the table.

"You are very beautiful, My Lady," the man had uttered. You wish you could say the same about him. Your vision of a handsome man in perfect condition seemed a world away from the man sitting before you. 

You forced a smile on your lips, attempting to keep your eyes fixed on his for a moment. "Thank you, My Lord," you murmured, your voice far more chipper than your true feeling would warrant. You were on the brink of losing your mind when Lady Stark cleared her throat beside you, giving you a tight-lipped smile and making a semi-hidden gesture towards your most recent suitor. Your smile faded slightly, and you nodded. "And, of course, you are very handsome." Lies. It was all lies. All of the heirs and graces that had made up the time spent with this boring man, and not a single word you had uttered was even slightly truthful. 

"It has been a lovely afternoon, don't you think," Lady Stark started, her smile so sweet that it caught you off guard for a moment. If that perfect smile was a lie too, it would change your entire understanding of your prior conversations with her.  "But it's getting late, and we wouldn't want you to have to travel in the dark."

The man nodded, getting to his feet and drawing your hand into his. "It's was excellent meeting you, My Lady," he told you, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand. You had to hold back the gag that wanted to rise in your throat, and stop yourself from reeling away from him.

"I wish you safe travels," you answered softly, pulling your hand as gently as you could from his grip.

"And, thank you, Lady Stark, for inviting me. You are a gracious host, as always."

"You flatter me, My Lord." She paused as he kissed her hand too, still smiling. "I'll have one of the men show you out," she added, watching as he nodded, following behind one of the guards. As soon as the door clicked shut, Lady Stark turned to you, grinning. "What did you think?"

"You must be joking," you started softly, "I can't spend the rest of my life listening to him talk." You brought your hands up to your face, running your palms over your eyes for a moment. "He was so-"

"Boring." Lady Stark pursed her lips, watching as you nodded. "I understand, you are an intellectual woman, you need someone to stimulate your mind. We'll keep looking."

The smile that came to your lips was the first genuine one of the evening.

*Time Skip*

"How was your new suitor?" Theon had slid into the seat beside you and begun talking without giving you a moment to register what was happening. "Decided whether you'll marry him yet?"

"Don't be ridiculous," you muttered softly, shaking your head. "I barely met the man, and besides, he wasn't my type."

Theon attempted to hide the smirk that found it's way onto his lips. "So, he won't be coming back?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but no," you paused, picking at your nails, "he will not be coming back." 

"Good," Theon told you firmly, reaching out and taking your hand in his. "I was thinking," he told you softly, "and I don't think you should be courting." You watched him, brow furrowed. "I don't like them all thinking about you like that."

You gasped slightly, the realisation hitting you. "Theon Greyjoy, are you trying to tell me you're jealous?"

Theon frowned, thinking for a moment. "Yes, I'm bloody jealous." You smiled, linking your fingers with his as he continued to talk. "I love you and I want to marry you." He leant forward, kissing you passionately. 

"Well," you murmured, raising your free hand to touch your lips lightly, "You'd have to ask Lady Stark. She's the one who deals with my suitors." 

Theon let out a bark of laughter, pulling you in again and kissing you properly. "Why'd you have to be such a pain in the arse?" 

"I don't know, it's just who I am," you told him, attempting to hold back your smile. "I promise to put in a good word for you with Catelyn," you murmured, hand brushing over the light stubble on his cheek as he grinned at you.

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Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines: Part Two (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz