Reader x Ramsay Bolton - One More Night

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A/N- This imagine is based on the Maroon 5 song "One More Night." As many of you may have realised over the time I have been posting, Maroon 5 are one of my favourite bands and I love writing whilst listening to their music. I hope you enjoy it.

"You keep saying you're going to leave me," Ramsay grumbled, pulling you to rest on his chest as you dragged the furs higher up your bodies, "I don't think you've ever meant it." You hummed, burrowing closer to him and breathing in the scent that lingered on his skin.

You shrugged, "perhaps not, or perhaps I wake up hating myself every morning I find myself laying beside you," you grumbled, pressing a soft kiss to his chest and glancing up at him. He was smirking down at you, it was a look he gave you every time you didn't go through with your plan, a look you hated with every fibre of your being, but you had seen in a million times now.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, darling, it's not like anyone blames you for wanting to stay," he murmured, and a frown etched itself onto your face as you rolled out of his grip, getting to your feet and making a grab for your robe. As you were tying up the strings around your waist your heard the bed creak and you closed your eyes, letting out a heavy sigh. His arms were around you in seconds, his lips pressed against the side of your neck, and you were sinking into him like you always had.

"Get off of me," you growled, low in your throat, but his arms stayed and you did nothing to stop him as he continued to run his lips over your skin, his fingers untying the robe. "I'm leaving and you can't stop me," you hissed, the words weak and meaningless as he pulled at the collar of the robe and pressed kisses to the newly exposed skin.

"I love you," he mumbled. His words were muffled against your skin, but they were easy to understand, and you quickly span in his arms, pressing your lips to his, your hands sinking into his hair.

"I hate you," you mumbled back to him, your thumb running over his lips as you pulled back just enough to look into his eyes, "One more night, and then I'm gone," you told him and he smiled as he nodded, leaning in to kiss you again as he lifted you into his arms, your legs wrapping around him.

*Time Skip*

Ramsay woke the next morning to you hurrying around the room, packing things into your trunk. "What are you doing?" he grumbled, shifting to sit up and watch you.

"I can't stay here," you told him, not even pausing in your work to look at him.

"What are you doing?" he repeated, his voice louder. It caused you to turn to glance at him, only for a moment, but it was long enough for you to shrug at him.

"I'm leaving you," you answered quietly, before going back to folding the dress in your hands.

"You can't leave me, you're my wife," he told you, getting to his feet and marching towards you only for you to move out of his reach.

"I love you, but I can't live like this, it's making me resent you," you murmured, just loud enough for him to hear you and you moved past him, feeling him grab your arm.

"Then just give me one more night," he urged, his grip firm as he attempted to pull you closer to him.

"Every night since our wedding night has been 'one more night', we don't need another," you told him, twisting your arm out of his grip and moving back to your trunk.

"But you never meant it until now," he uttered quietly, causing you to gaze back at him, "I never thought you meant it," he added, and the way he looked at you made you want to cry, made you want to throw yourself back into his arms and sob for him to forgive you. "Where will you stay?"

"I'm going back to my mother and father, I wrote to them last night." You took a deep breath when you noticed the tears in his eyes, "perhaps you should go elsewhere whilst I finish putting my things away."

"No," he growled, grabbing the items in your trunk and throwing them out, scattering them across the floor as you watched him, shaking your head at his actions. "You can't go," he added, his eyes fixing back on you as you began to gather up the items.

"I'm sorry Ramsay, but I'm not happy, I never have been," you told him quietly, "we make each other miserable."

"You've never made me miserable," he whispered, letting out a light snort of laughter as he glared at you. "You're right, you should leave," he told you, storming towards your chamber door and flinging it open as he marched from the room. The sound of the wood striking the wall caused you to jump, and you stared after him for a moment, the door still hanging open as you balled up the clothes he had unfolded and threw them into the trunk. The sooner you left, the better it would be for both of you.

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