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Dear Son,
You know that we love you, and that we hate to leave, but as we told you before, we would be expected to make a trip back to our base sooner or later, we hope that you do well in school, and in taking care of yourself until we return. We do not have a date set, but we will call you once we get one.

sorry to leave without much of a departure.
we left money in an envelope in the kitchen cabinet for you to use to take care of yourself.

dont do anything stupid.

love, your dads.

Tord huffed after tossing the letter into the trash. maybe he should've kept it, it being one of the last few remnants of his parents for the time being. But who cares.

He wasnt happy he was left alone to take care of himself halfway through his 4th year in highschool.things were shit. He wasn't looking forward to many things anymore, school had that reached that stage of realization that it's all an endless pattern with the purpose of being fulfilled to simply waste time

But, he softened, only for a moment, knowing he'd be out soon.


Until then,
He could simply bask in all the ignorance of society and enjoy the small times he had with his two friends, Edd and Matt.

On the inside however, he wasn't sure how he would manage without his parental figures.
'You're in highschool' they said. 'You can take care of yourself' they said.

"I call bullshit." he said.

he took out the home phone on the wall to dial the number to their base phone, he was told to never save it in his phone just in case someone got a hold of sed phone.

His parents were army soldiers, not the prettiest nor safest job one could have, but it made do.

It also made Tords parents, very, very suddenly disappear.

Why? He didn't know
But he would attempt to find out.

The phone was held up, ringing in his ear until someone picked up.

"Hello?" the voice answered, a female.

Tord didnt know who she was.

He was curious as to why someone had his parents phone, but for the most part, he wanted her to give it the fuck back.

"Who's this?" He said, mixed with concern for where his parents are, and general petty attitude
" I should be asking you. " she replied, using a snarky know-it-all tone.

The woman on the other line stood in her coworker's quarters. Looking at her nails and around the room, smiling in satisfaction when she found some files worth looking at.

" Why do you have pat's phone. " Tord said, practically accusing her and hoping the lady on the line would hand the phone over to its owner.

The female ran her hand along the edge of the paper taped on the wall, a picture of a young boy, contact information  and general information about the person was all over the paper. She soon made the connection. "Oh, " she started, "its you."

"Oh?" Tord said in pressing interrogation. He hasnt met this lady a day in his life, and she was already making a bad first impression.

Instead of releasing mass amounts of bullshit, Tord leaned against the wall with a smug look, expecting  the woman on the line to know absolutely nothing.

He was sure she was just bluffing, so, he confidently asked, "And who am I?"

" Your name is Tord Larison. " the woman happily informed, she read down the paper using a finger to keep her eyes on the correct line. "Your adoptive parents are soldiers here, paul and patyrk, " she smiled at a decent piece of information, she was useful in the army for tearing the prisoners apart with information. She didn't mind this next passage.

For Him [TomTord] [OLD EDITION]Where stories live. Discover now