Happy Halloween (from your favorite gays)

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here's a treat to the readers

"Why am I not surprised." Tom sighed.

"You know me too well." Tord answered.

Tom hummed, agreeing with him. He walked over and slumped into the couch right next to the red hooded teen. Who was confused but not complaining.

Tom pinched Tord's sleeve and pulled it, lifting his arm.

"Your gonna wear this to go trick or treating?" He said, with a questioning tone.

Tord shrugged. "I mean, its red."

"Goes with my costume."

Tom released and crossed his arms. "I dont think devils wear hoodies." He said, with a small smile.

Tord rolled his eyes in response.

"Say what you must."

Tom chuckled. "If I'm getting that much priviledge can I tell you how much I hate that rose in your hand?"

Tord looked up, his slightly confused face swiftly changed into a knowing smirk.

"That's quite rude, Angel."

The words sent chills up Tom's spine. Nowadays Tord had the habit of changing his voice. Making it softer and flirtatious, in some, weird yet cute way.

Tom didnt mind it.
Kind of liked it, strangely enough.
strangely enough.

Tord didn't see Tom attempting to respond.

"Cat got your tounge?" He teased.

Tom snapped back to the moment, He pouted. Crossing his arms and looking away.

He looked at the couch diagonal to his left. Tord, sitting on his right, scooted forward to get into Tom's peripheral vision.

"Is Tommy jealous that I keep looking at the rose?" He purred.

More chills. Tom really started to like them. It was like having buckets of cold water spilled over you and then immediately being placed by a heater with fluffy blankets and hot drinks.

Tom didnt need Tord to know that though. Why give him the upper hand? He has enough of a lead on him.

"No." He muttered instead.

Releasing the pressure in his crossed arms, he asked, still looking away, "Why have you been messing with that thing anyways?"

Tord smiled. He relaxed back to his previous position with his back against the cushions.

Gently rubbing his thumb against a petal, he responded fluently,

"They match my eyes."

Tom hummed. Not really in response, more like letting Tord know he heard him.

Tord looked at the boy. From his view, he saw an Angel's back. The little cheap feathery snow white wings and the gold halo "floating" over his head.

He felt ideas forming.

"Ye'know," he started, a fond warm smile spreading across his face. Like autumn leafs spreading across roads and lawns, adding a comforting glow to a already beautiful place.

"Since you dont want me looking at this thing," he continued.

Tom turned around out of curiosity and confusion. He couldn't help but look at him again.

"I'll just give it to you."

Tom's eyes widened.
He doesnt know why.
Honestly he should've expected this, Lately, maybe it's just the season, but the fall seems to make Tord go in some gentle state.

For Him [TomTord] [OLD EDITION]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن