Arrival Answers

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Tom kicked down the door, not giving a shit about the hospital rules, if they wanted to try and kick him out they could fucking try to lay a finger on him.

The first thing he noticed was Edd looking at him, wide eyed, followed by a startled Namki, Matt and his kids surprised, and worst of all,

A blind Tord who looked his way innocently.


As painful as it was, He didn't let his anger fall. He stomped over to Tord, practically shoving Edd out of the way, and

He hugged him.

It didn't really catch anyone off guard, the way he acted before the hug was confusing, but it wasn't a big surprise to see Tom hug Tord.

Everyone was already catching on to a special bond the two had.

Edd regained his balance from being pushed away, The kids wanted to go over to Tom, but Matt held them back seeing as now was not the time, and Namki sat back down slowly.

Tord had hesitantly hugged back, having his sight disabled made him more cautious.

Edd went to get another chair, He placed it right behind the left side bed gating, when the two parted, Tom felt the chair and scooted it closer as he sat down. Tord crossed his arms, not in anger but more like needing something to grab onto. The warmth of the hug still lingered all over the two.

Tom earned some looks from Namki and Edd, one from Asha too, all directed at the bandage wrapped around Tom's get upper arm.

Tom sighed.

"What did you do."

Tom looked up to Tord, it was a statement. Not a question.

Tom coughed out a '"What? "

Tord groaned. "Thomas why did you kick a nurse?"

Tom gave a guilty chuckle. "So you heard about that..."

" I saw it too. "

"didn't think you would."

" almost didnt. "

it was silent.

Edd patted Tom's shoulder. "Don't mind him. He can barely remember anything and he wants an explanation." He whispered.

Tom looked back to Tord, who started to run a finger on his wrist in a circular motion. How could he not want answers? one minute your normal and the next there's a bandage covering half your face.

"He remembers how he got here, but his memory started to fuz towards the end, that's what he wants to know."

Tom sucked in a breath.

"Okay." He patted his hands on his lap.

" Let me fill you in. "


Tom sat against the wall of the bathroom, full of panic as there was whimpers and sounds of pain from Tord's end.

He couldn't think of what else to do, He didn't want to leave Tord alone to go call a staff member, so he had to just, sit there.

but then again, the state Tord was in was just shattering his heart to pieces. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve any of this!

He tried to calm him down with reassuring words, but it appeared Tord couldn't even hear him.

couldn't see, couldn't hear.

He was really stuck with how to console him.

so he just ran his fingers through Tord's hair. Moving strands from his face or behind his ear. He guessed he liked it, Tord had quieted down.

For Him [TomTord] [OLD EDITION]Where stories live. Discover now