Future Crush?

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Tord couldn't stop staring.

he wasnt aware of how bad it was.

He just couldn't help but look

The new student was about 3 feet infront of Tord's desk, he waited patiently for the teacher to introduce him.

His light brown hair looked softer up close, his glasses were shiny, almost as if new, they themselves were nice to look at.

For the time being, he, the new student, would rub his hands or look around while the teacher looked for something on her desk. He would also glance at Tord and would catch him starring back. Tord didnt really know what the student was looking at due to his glasses blocking out any outside view of his eyes.

"Alright Children" Mrs. Sakaro chirped, after having found her favorite pen she turned back around to her class, who she thought of as her own children, always ready to mother or scold them when it was necessary.

"As some of you may already know, " she started, raising an eyebrow in interest, "we have a new student joining our class."
she gave a friendly glance to the male behind her and nodded.

And then he spoke
his voice caught Tord off guard.

"Hi. Uhm. " he stuttered innocently, moving a strand of hair behind his ear. He looked slightly nervous, only slightly, as it wasn't enough to faze his smile as he said it.

"My name is Tom Ridge."

A few students, well, the more friendly ones like Mallory and Allay chimed a welcoming "hello!" Back in Toms direction

The rest seemed to be either disinterested or interested in Toms appearance, and, not in a good way.

Tord however, was focusing on something else

Tord repeated the name in his head, 'Tom Ridge, Tom Ridge' he found it...unique.As stated, his voice also got Tord's attention, close to a young boy, but also obviously a teenager?

His voice drowned with innocence.
It was a comforting voice

He took so much time to wonder how to describe the voice that he didnt notice his name being called.

"Tord?" Mrs. Sakaro asked, with concern in her voice.

"Hmp?" he replied , looking up to Tom's glasses and then quickly to his teacher.

He would have to get used to those things, or else he'd be looking at them a bit too intently during conversation.

He would, have a conversation with Tom, right?
He would know him well, right?

Why did it matter?

"Can you help Tom accommodate to the school on your own time?" The short lady asked, gently tilting her head.

She was always careful with Tord, he was just
Special, in one way.
She knew he could easily be set off
Whether it was into anger or despair
His parents had told her to keep watch of him for them
And well, she did.
She treated him like his own

Someone had to, atleast.

So she stuttered, adding something to her request.

"-Only if you want to."

Tord felt a small knot in his stomach, he felt nervous around this boy, he didnt even know why, but then again, he was put on the spotlight, and he needed to answer quick, so out of anxiety, he felt a need to respond "Sure."

For Him [TomTord] [OLD EDITION]Where stories live. Discover now