Stabbed Sight

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Tord woke up, actually having a good night's rest for once.

He looked to his corkboard, now littered with a small notes, and and some red underlines on the titles of each note.

He stretched and got out of bed. He put on a white shirt that had red sleeves, He never knew what the design was called, but he liked it and could locate them in stores easily, so it wasn't a problem.

The weather was starting to get nicer, cooler breezes nowadays. He nearly forgot about his Red hoodie, which was a need for a 'proper ' Friends Friday in Edds book.

But the weather was so nice today, He didn't want to get overheated with his hoodie, so he just tied it around his waist and hoped Edd wouldnt get upset about it.

He picked up his house keys in one swift motion from the table by the door and walked out.

He breathed in the cool grassy smell and the nice refreshing breeze that came along with it. After locking the door he tied back his excess hair with a hair tie to feel the breeze along his neck, which, was the best part about cool wind.

Pat or Paul didn't call him yesterday, so he guessed they probably would today, He kind of missed those check ups, hearing his dads voices gave him something to look forward to after each dreadful day at school, or home.

He walked to Toms house, where else? Tom smiled at him from the door, He too wore his sweater around his waist, only that he had a white shirt on with two blue strips on each sleeve going across. Normal black pants just like Tord.

"Guess Edd could get mad at us both eh?" Tom chuckled.

Tord nodded. " 'You bloody idiots!' " he mocked Edds voice. Sending Tom into light laughter.

Tom handed him the little breakfast bag.

"Asha put something in there for you."

Tord looked to Tom suspiciously.

"She's like 8. could be a drawing. I don't know, she made sure I didn't look in the bag."

Tord slowly unrolled the the top edge of the brown bag. "pfft. she probably took the breakfast and put in a rock."

" she better not. " Tom frowned.

Tord looked in, where he saw a crudely taped shut bag of seeds. He looked closely at the packaging.

Tulips read the label

Tord smiled and just started eating the pancake that was inside, it was small and in the shape of a star.

"What was it?" Tom pushed with curiosity .

"Its only for me and Asha to know." Tord teased Tom , not wanting Asha to get in trouble by him.

Tom whined "No fairrr."

" Totally fair! " Tord snickered.

"But she's my sister!" After the words came out, Tom slightly froze, and his childish expression dropped , He was open eyed for a while until he sighed in defeat and asked for a blue berry instead.

Edd and Matt stood by the usual stop sign. Matt started talking about one of his 'souvenirs' But Edd quickly lost interest and began to patiently wait for Tom and Tords appearance.

When he saw them without the hoodies actually on, he frowned.

"am I being overthrown?" he pouted.

Tord furrowed his eyebrows. "No?"

" What's up with this then? " He held out his hand and motioned back and forth between Tom and Tord.

"The weather is nice." Tom suggested to Edd that he should take it off to feel it.

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