Part 6 - May 7th

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The next day, I woke up to see that I was the only one in the room. I glanced at the clock.

7:29 AM. 

How had I slept in so late? And where were Atticus and my mom?

Oh. They were at the conference. That was why we were in LA.

No duh.

I was alone for the whole day. 


I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, took a quick shower, and got dressed.


I grabbed my bag and the room key from the dark brown dresser and left the room. I exited the hotel building and strolled the streets, looking for a place to eat. After ten minutes, I had come across three restaurants, but only one caught my attention - Darling Diner.

I entered the restaurant, ordered pancakes, and sat down, scrolling through my phone. After a couple of YouTube videos, a steaming hot plate of golden pancakes with a side of maple syrup arrived. I picked up the syrup and poured it over the pancakes. I started to eat the delectable, fluffy breakfast item. 

After I paid, I left the restaurant and walked over to a nearby bus stop. Within a few minutes, the bus had arrived.

"To Griffith Park, please," I told the driver, paying him. I sat in an empty seat, took out my phone and headphones, and began to listen to music.

Lovely - By Billie Eilish and Khalid.


What a sad song. 

Good, but sad.

I changed the song to something with a positive vibe (ironically the song was called VIBE , by 1TEAM), and looked outside the window. The palm trees and sunny roads were just two things that were different from the views of New York City.

"Griffith Park!" The driver said aloud. I walked up the aisle and left the bus. Immediately, my eyes were blinded by the harsh sunlight.

I walked around the park, taking pictures and absorbing the beauty of nature. As I looked around, I noticed a big group of girls yelling and screaming for no apparent reason.


I walked over and got a peek of what they were surrounding - a bunch of people, some with masks, some without.

Why was this such a big deal?

I sighed and turned around, continuing to explore the park's redwood trees, pink carnations, and white impatiens. I had been here a couple of days ago with Atticus and my mom to see the Hollywood sign, but nothing more.

By now, it was 10:43. I looked around and decided to observe the observatory.

Ha. Observe the observatory.

I walked over to the observatory, soaking in the views of the rest of the park as I strolled over to it, and finally reached.

It was so beautiful.

I could see everything from the Pacific Ocean to the city. I stayed at the observatory for a bit, then left and stopped at a nearby food stand to grab a sandwich. As I was eating, I noticed a bike shop at the corner.

Perfect for exploring.

I headed to the shop and rented a royal blue bike. Rolling the bike next to me, I went back into  Griffith Park and looked around, this time while biking. 

I passed by the group of masked people once more, not even noticing the dark haired one staring at me as I went by. 

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