Part 27 - May 22nd

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I watched the tourists walk by the hotel through my window, expressions of glee plastered on their faces. It was a cool day, the warm summer breeze rustling the trees. 

"Em, we're gonna grab some food and check everything real quick," Atticus said. "Didn't you have to meet someone before leaving?"

"Yeah, they're on their way," I replied. "I think I'll go down to the lobby and wait."

Atticus nodded. "We'll be back in a bit."


I walked out of the room and headed down to the lobby, sitting down in one of the chairs. 


I stood up. Yoongi. 

"Hey," I said. 

"Do you want to walk a bit?"

"Sure. There's a park nearby."

He nodded. 

We made our way to the park, gripping onto each other's hands. 

"So, you're leaving," Yoongi said. 


"When will you come to Korea?"

I laughed a bit. "When I graduate. When will you come to New York?"


I raised my eyebrows. "Really?"

He nodded. 

The cherry blossom trees, pink and white flowers, and Yoongi's reassuring words didn't make this day seem as melancholy as it really was. 

"If someone asks me if I have a boyfriend, what do you want me to say?" I asked Yoongi, trying not to bring up that we only had about fifteen minutes of time. 

"Whatever you want," he replied, observing the park. "You don't even have to say that you have a boyfriend. Just don't say my real name."

I smiled. "Of course, Suga."

He smirked. "Funny." 

"I'm gonna miss you," I replied, avoiding his eyes. 

"I'll miss you, too."

I smiled. "You know, if you had told me two weeks  ago that I would be your girlfriend, I would have thought that you were made of lettuce."

He turned his head to the side, puzzled. 

"It's just one of my sayings," I said casually. 

He smirked as I checked my watch once more. 

It couldn't be time already. 

I couldn't say goodbye yet. 

Not ever. 

"Y-Yoongi," I stuttered. I closed my eyes, clearing my throat. "Yoongi, I have t-to go."

"Okay," he replied, his voice small. "Let's walk to the hotel." 

I nodded as we headed back to the hotel, enjoying our last few minutes together. 

Who knew when I'd get to see Yoongi next.  

As we entered the freezing lobby, I caught sight of Atticus and my mom. 

"Time to say goodbye, right?" Yoongi asked and I knew that he was trying to act as strong as he could. 

I nodded as he let my hand go and pulled me in for a hug. 

"Don't forget me, hmm?" He whispered in my ear, his breath warm against my cold neck. 

"How could I?" I said, smirking a bit, trying not to let the brimming tears spill out of my eyes. 

I pulled away from him, wiping away a tear from Yoongi's face with my thumb, his arms still wrapped around me. 

"Ready?" Atticus asked kindly from behind me. 

Yoongi let go of me immediately. 


Scaring boyfriends since the beginning of time. 

I nodded. "Yeah."

"The taxi's outside, we'll go put the luggage in," my mom said, pulling Atticus with her, leaving Yoongi and I a few more seconds. 

The moment they left the building, I turned back to Yoongi who did the same. We were silent for a few seconds before breaking into a melancholy laughter. 

I stood on my tiptoes and pecked his soft lips, walking toward the bright yellow taxi. 

"Bye, Emilienne," Yoongi said, a pained smile on his face. 

"Bye, Suga," I replied, opening the door to the hotel and quietly closing it. 

I took a deep breath. 

"All good?" My mom asked me. 

I smiled and nodded. 

We all hopped in the taxi and reached the airport in minutes. 

Finally, I'd be leaving LA. 

But it didn't seem so satisfying anymore. 

We pulled the luggage out of the trunk and placed a suitcase on a cart, heading into the chaotic airport. 

"I think we're a bit late," Atticus said as we rushed toward security. 

"Are we going to miss the flight?" My mom asked, worried. 

"No," Atticus said. "We're just a bit late. No big deal."

We passed through security, customs, and everything else, moving to our gate for the flight. 

"Flight 224 to Manhattan, New York City is boarding now," the announcer said over the loud speaker. 

We waited for business class to board before entering the line. We showed the attendant our tickets before walking through the breezeway to the plane, where the three of us sat in one row, my mother in the middle, Atticus on the aisle seat. 

I scrolled through my phone as I waited for everyone to come and sit on the plane. 

It was time. 

"Everyone please put your devices on airplane mode and..." The attendant rambled, but I wasn't paying attention. 

I clicked on my 'Messages' icon to see a text from Yoongi. 

I love you. 

That was all. 

My eyes as bright as stars, I turned the phone on airplane mode and stared out the window, watching the runway grow farther and farther away, the sun slowly setting like an egg yolk. 

Thank you, Min Yoongi, for lying to me. 

Because with the truth, I don't think I would've cared about you as much as I do now. 

I don't think I would've loved you as much as I do now. 

That's right, I love you. 

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