Part 23 - May 17th

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"Okay, have we got everything?" My mother asked, searching the room with her eyes.

"Yup," Atticus said. "We should hurry, we'll get late."

I nodded my head.

I was sick of this place.

And I needed to meet someone at the airport.

Need to guess who?

I didn't think so.

We left the hotel room, dragging our suitcases, the wheels making a soft rumble.

Atticus handed the dark haired man behind the front counter our room key and checked out of the hotel as my mom and I headed outside to call a taxi.

Atticus ran over just as one pulled up to the side curb. We began filling the driver's trunk and backseat with our bags.

My mom sat in the front as Atticus and I squeezed into the back, surrounded by bags. Twenty uncomfortable minutes later, we had reached the airport.

My mom paid the driver as we unloaded our luggage, placing the suitcases onto the airport carts.

As my parents checked in the luggage, I looked around the airport lobby for a familiar face or two, my eyes darting everywhere.

Finally, they landed on a few people dressed in black, their heads low.

"I'll be right back," I told my mother.

I walked over to them, quickening my pace.


He looked up, his eyes dark and chaotic. The storm in them grew faster, yet calmer, but dangerous as glass.

"Emili," he said. "You wanted to see us?"

Namjoon looked up from next to Yoongi, his face as blank as a plain sheet of paper.

"Yeah," I said.

I paused.

"Go on," Namjoon replied.

I breathed in. "I'm ticked at you." I said simply. "For a lot of reasons."

He looked at his feet.

"You lied to me," I continued. "-even when I asked you if you were lying. On top of that, um, that conversation that you and I had, you asked your friend to send me something regarding it. Why? Why did he have to know? And couldn't you send it? Or were you scared?"

"I lied to you," he said. "I'll admit that. But you can't blame me for everything else."

I scoffed. "You have no guts."

We stayed in silence for a few seconds.

"Thank you for meeting me," I said quietly. "Have a nice stay." I turned around from the two, holding in my emotions.

I was going to miss Yoongi.

I loved him. I really did. But I couldn't think of a way for us to be together.

After all, he lived in Korea and I lived in New York.

"Emili!" Yoongi called.

It took all my strength to ignore his voice. Lips quivering, I continued to walk over to my mother and Atticus.

Just as I reached my mom, I heard his voice call.

"Please, Emili."

I turned around, making sure that my eyes met his, full of plea. I turned my lips into an upward curve, smiling at him, giving him a small wave.

"Bye, Yoongi." I said to him under my breath.

Before I started crying, I turned to my mom and Atticus, who were ready to grab something to eat before heading into security.

"Everything alright, Em?" My mom asked.

I nodded. "Great."

We walked away from the bag check-in to a strip of small restaurants.

I didn't look back once.

"Chinese food sounds good?" Atticus asked, glancing at the menu.

"Yeah," I replied. We ordered our food, quickly wolfing it down before heading to security.

"Hold on," my mom said as we walked. She pulled out her phone, and began talking to someone.

Three minutes later, she hung up, her face a variety of emotions.

"Uh, should we walk?" I asked. "We don't wanna be late."

"Actually, change of plans," she replied, scratching her head. "Your dad and my boss just called. He said that he wanted to give us five more days in LA to thank us for taking care of the emergency on such short notice."


"We're staying," she said. "For a few more days."

My mind went blank. All thoughts of New York City vanished and one person came to mind.


Atticus raised his eyebrows.

"Uh, I'll be right back," I told him, running toward the airport entrance, squeezing in between people, acceleration running through my body.

He would be there. He had to be there.

Finally, I reached, searching yet again for Yoongi's face.

I looked around, moving for about ten minutes.

He was gone, Emili, I told myself.

Well, that was obvious.

I took in a deep breath and walked around. To my surprise, Atticus and my mom were waiting for me, our luggage back with them.

"Ready, Em?" My mom asked.

I nodded.


We headed outside, grabbing a taxi.

I couldn't face Yoongi.

Not now, not ever.

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