Part 18 - May 15th

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm.

"Oh, shut up," I mumbled at it, turning it off. I got up out of bed and headed to the bathroom, rubbing my itchy eyes. I washed up, brushed my teeth, and changed my clothes. I checked my phone for something interesting. There was nothing. I did my hair in a quick top knot, grabbed my bag, and headed out of the room, walking to the dining hall for breakfast.

I walked to the buffet and grabbed a bowl of oatmeal and some fruit. I sat down at a table and enjoyed my meal.

My parents would be home this evening. And we were going to leave two days from now. I enjoyed California, but I was homesick. At the same time, I was going to miss the warm weather here.

Not only the warm weather, a voice in my head said. You're going to miss someone.

I knew that.

I was going to miss Yoongi.

I finished up my oatmeal and headed outside for some air.

What would I do today?

It was only 7:54 AM.

I decided to head to the city again.

Honestly, I was getting bored.

I took a bus to the city, plugging in my headphones and listening to some music as I did so.

Once I reached, I thanked the driver and explored parts of the city I hadn't seen. Before I knew it, my stomach was grumbling.

Why did I love food so much?

I glanced at my phone. It was 1:23 PM.

Sighing, I walked to a small grocery store, buying a carton of milk and a steaming burrito.

"That'll be $10:47," the cashier said, his voice as bland as a vegetable.

I was quite hungry.

I handed him some cash.

"One dollar and fifty-three cents is your change," he said, handing me the receipt, money, and bag. I signed the thin slip of paper and handed it back to him.

"Have a great day," I called, exiting the store.

I headed back to the bus stop, munching on my late lunch. When the bus arrived, I hopped on, still eating my food.

By the time I had reached the hotel, it was 1:47.

Deciding to freshen up (after all, it was extremely hot), I headed into my room, washing my face and neck, and changing my shirt.

I had an hour of time to kill.

Honestly, I was quite tired and I had a flight in a few days.

I crawled into my bed, put an alarm for fifty minutes and began to sleep, dreaming of simpler days when the smallest things would distract me for hours at a time.

When I finally woke up it was 2:53. I stretched my arms, the afternoon sun peeking in through the net curtains, turning the whole room a magical shade of orange.

I washed my face again, put on some lotion and a bit of makeup, and headed to the thirty-first floor.

"Emilienne." I heard Yoongi say as I stepped out of the elevator.

I smiled. "Hey."

"Should we start?"


We both sat down on the bench as I handed over my phone to Yoongi.

"We are looking to share our music to others, one person at a time." I translated for him.

Truthfully, I had stopped paying attention to his phrases. That is, unless they were directed towards me. The rest were too odd and puzzling.

He took my phone and typed in another phrase.

"I saw a guy with you at the café the other day." I said aloud, looking at Yoongi. I raised an eyebrow.

"Who is he?" He asked. 

"Just a friend."

"Hmmm," Yoongi said.

"Okay," I replied. "Time to move on." 

I handed him my phone and we continued. At approximately 4:15, he began to talk to me. 

I couldn't lie, I didn't mind these extremely short conversations anymore. 

"What are you doing after this?"

"Nothing. Why?"

He nodded. "No reason."

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

"RM and I are going somewhere," he said. 

"What's his real name?" I blurted. 

Yoongi smiled. "It's Kim Namjoon."

"Oh," I said. "Why didn't he introduce himself like that? Same thing with you. You told me that your name was Suga."

"We have two names," he replied. "An English name and a Korean name."

"That makes more sense than what I thought," I said. 

"What were you thinking?"

"I dunno, maybe that you were a celebrity or something."

I caught Yoongi's eyes flash nervously before he broke into a gummy smile. 

"Do you want to join Namjoon and me?"

Why not?

I was going to go out anyway. 

What was the point of going outside alone?

Might as well go with some company. 

"Sure," I replied. "Where are you going?"

"We were going to look around the city a little," he said. 

Well, I was practically an expert at that. 


I'm kidding. 

"When are you going?"

"Like, now," he said, getting up. 

That was sudden. 

"Uh, o-okay," I got up and followed Yoongi down the hall to what I assumed was Namjoon's room. He knocked on the door and said something in Korean. Namjoon replied and opened the door. He looked as if he was going to say something else, but Yoongi jerked his head in my direction. Namjoon looked at me and smiled. 

"Hi, Emilienne," he said, mispronouncing my name. 

"Hey, R-Namjoon," I replied. 

"Are you coming with us?"

"Uh, I guess," I said. "That is, only if I'm not intruding or anything."

"Not at all," he exclaimed. "We just wanted to look around now. We'll be busy later, you know, in intervi-"

Yoongi cut him off. "We should leave." 

I raised an eyebrow at the duo's peculiar behavior. 

Yoongi grabbed Namjoon's arm and brought him to the front, whispering something into his ear. 

Namjoon nodded his head and replied. He sounded exasperated. 

I was following the two guys, feeling quite awkward. 

"Emilienne?" Yoongi asked, turning around to make sure that I was still there. 

"I'm here," I said. 

He smiled, motioning for me to walk with him. 

I quickened my pace and caught up to the two. 

This was going to be interesting. 

Very interesting.  

truth | myg ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें