Part 28 - December 22th

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I stuffed my hat onto my head along with a pair of gloves and headed outside, locking my apartment door behind me with one thought in mind. 


It had been 7 months since I had seen him. 

I took my phone out as I called a taxi from outside my apartment building, the cold air nipping at my nose. 

A sunshine yellow cab pulled up to the curb. I hopped in as the driver greeted me. 

"Hello, where can I take you today?" 

"Um, the Hard Rock Café?" I said, putting my seatbelt on. 

He nodded and started the car, driving toward the café. 

Always a café with Yoongi. 

I could barely keep still during the ride, tapping my fingers against my knees, staring at the light snow falling outside of the window. 

The taxi stopped. 

I handed the driver his money. 

"Have a great day," he said. 

"You too." I exited the car and closed the door behind me, entering the café, my heart beating as loud as a drum. 

My eyes searched the room before landing on a man sitting down at a table in the corner of the café, his best friend in front of him. 

Namjoon's eyes brightened as he saw me. I smiled at him and walked up behind Yoongi, waiting for him to turn. 

Just a few seconds after I reached his seat, Yoongi turned around, his face still the same, except for his hair which was now an auburn color. 

Just like Valerie, the girl I once met in Los Angeles - the place I fell in love with Yoongi. 

His face lit up like a thousand stars, his lips turning upward. 

"Emili," he mouthed, too stunned to say anything. 

My smile grew. "Hey, Yoongi." 

He got up out of his chair and almost instantly hugged me, his arms around my neck. 

I wrapped my arms around his waist, taking in his scent of rain and burying my face into his sweatshirt, completely aware that there were people watching us. 

After a minute, I pulled away from Yoongi, placing a hand on his powder-like cheek. 

He smiled. 

"Sit down," Namjoon said to us. "I know it's sweet, but you need to sit." 

Cheeks pink, Yoongi sat down as I pulled a chair up next to him. 

"Hey, Namjoon," I said. 

"Emili," he nodded. 

"How's everything in Korea?" I asked the two of them. 

"Good," Namjoon replied. "It's all the same." 

I nodded. "So is New York."

I felt Yoongi lightly grab my hand from under the table. I smiled. 

"How long are you guys staying in New York?" 

"A week and a half," Yoongi replied. 

"You're welcome to come see us perform," Namjoon said. "Well, that's probably obvious - you'll be spending most of the days with us, anyway."

I raised my eyebrows. "Okay."

Yoongi smirked. "Can I teach you Korean?"

I laughed. "Of course."

We sat, starting a conversation as people came in and out of the café. 

And in this instant,  is where I realized how very important love could be. 

Here goes another adventure. 

the end 


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