Part 9 - May 8th

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The next morning, when I woke up, the sun was beginning to rise. The colors of bright red, autumn orange, banana yellow, and carnation pink seemed to paint the sky as if it was a blank canvas. 

How pretty. 

I took in a deep breath and headed to the restroom. I brushed, washed up, and changed my clothes. 

Same as everyday.

Peeking outside the bathroom door, I saw that Atticus and my mom were still sleeping. 

I flopped on my bed and checked my phone for the time. 

5:43 AM. 

Ugh. Why couldn't I leave now? 

I grabbed Sense and Sensibility and continued to read. I sat there, serene, watching the colors of the sunrise from the window. At about 6:47 I realized...


I jumped out of bed, grabbed my bag, phone, headphones, and room key and was about to leave the room when I remembered mom. 

I grabbed the hotel notepad and scribbled a note saying that I'd be back in a bit and that I was at a café. I plopped the note on her suitcase so that she'd see it and ran out of the room. 

By now it was 6:56. 

I had four minutes to get to the café, and I was still unsure if I wanted to go. 

Well, at this point I had no choice, I was practically sprinting toward the café.

In a few minutes, I had reached Café New, panting like a dog. 

"Oh, hi Emilienne," I heard a voice say. I looked up to see RM. 

"Hi," I replied curtly, still panting.

"Um, Suga is in the café," RM said. "And I hope you don't mind, Jimin came along as well." 


Who was Jimin? 

"Who's Jimin?" 

"Um, a-a friend of ours," RM stuttered. 

At this point I was suspicious of all of these people - RM, Suga, and Jimin. 

"I really don't know RM," I admitted. "I wasn't sure if I was going to come anyway. I met you yesterday; you're a complete stranger!"

"Why did you come then?"

"Because Suga did something nice for me yesterday," I said. "I'm just repaying him. I'm not coming back tomorrow if that's what you expected. My parents don't even know I'm here!" I was almost yelling now. "I'm not teaching this Jimin guy. If I wanted to I could leave right now, but I'm not. Okay?" 

RM raised his eyebrows. "Okay." 

I left RM in the dust and entered the café, my stomach grumbling loudly. Looking around I saw Suga sitting in the same booth that he had sat in the second time we had met. By the looks of it, he was with the same man as before. 

Probably Jimin. 

I walked over to the booth. Suga and Jimin looked up at me. Jimin smiled. 

"Um, sorry, but I don't think I can teach you," I said to him, trying not to come off as rude. "I don't mean to sound rude, but I don't feel comfortable teaching you." 

Jimin tilted his head and said, "Sorry. Can you explain again?"


He was here for a lesson.

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