Part 24 - May 19th

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I curled up in my bed, my laptop resting on my knees, a box of fresh tissues near my side.

My mom and Atticus were near downtown Los Angeles, while I sat on my bed sneezing my head off.

They had offered me to come, but I had been there too many times and my allergies were seriously acting up.

I turned my laptop on, deciding to write a bit, grabbing the remote to turn on the hotel television as well.

"Hello, and welcome back to the Billboard Music Awards!" The man on the screen said.



"The next award to be presented is the Top Social Artist Award!" The announcer said as the crowd cheered.

Two people came onto the stage, dressed elegantly, a man and a woman.

"The nominees are-" the woman said, pausing. "Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, Ariana Grande, Shawn Mendes, and BTS."






Oh my gosh. They were nominated for a Billboard Award.

I turned the volume up and watched the livestream.

"And the winner is," the man said, leaving the viewers in immense suspense.


Immense suspense.


The cameras were directed toward the group.

My heart practically stopped when I saw Yoongi in his blue dress shirt, smiling brightly as the group headed up to retrieve the award.

Even though I was still pretty mad at Yoongi, I couldn't help but feel proud.

Honestly, I was missing him a lot.

And decided to listen to his songs.

Dang, he was a good rapper.

I continued to watch the awards, debating who would be the best to win.

Finally, it was time for BTS to perform.

"Next up to perform is B-T-S!" The announcer said.

I watched intently, waiting to see Yoongi.

The song started.

Fake Love?

Is that what it was called?

I watched the guys dance in perfect sync as they performed smoothly.


How I missed him.

I took in a shaky breath, trying to control my emotions as Yoongi performed his part.

Closing my eyes tight, I imagined his perfect face, round eyes, small smile.

And a tear slipped down my cheek.

No, you are not crying over a dumb boy, I said to myself.

Another tear rolled down as I opened my eyes to watch them perform the end of the song.

"Give it up for BTS everyone!" The announcer exclaimed.

I sighed, watching the rest of the show, BTS' interviews, other people and their performances, whatever.

By the time the live show had ended, it was 5:09 PM.

My parents wouldn't be back for an hour or so to eat dinner.

I took in a deep breath.

I should call Yoongi before one of us leaves.

I have to call Yoongi.

I placed my now practically dead laptop on the side table and buried my head in a pillow, screaming my emotions out.

I hadn't really vented my emotions out since the fight with Yoongi.

It was much needed.

I finally took my face out to breathe - and cry a bit.


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