Part 13 - May 11th

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It was 1:51 PM and I was sitting inside a bookshop.

It was 102 degrees outside.

There was no way I was going to "explore."

I sat down in a chair and continued to read.

What was I reading?

Pride and Prejudice.

Yes, I loved Jane Austen.

I continued to read, the cool air conditioning washing over me, sitting on a bench in front of a smaller bookcase.

The shop was a bit messy.

"Excuse me." A deep voice said.

I looked up to find a young man with golden brown hair and dark green eyes. He was holding a tall stack of books.

Oh no.

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

It was the boy I had seen at the restaurant.

"Oh, sorry," I said nervously, standing up so that he could place the books on the shelf. "Do you need help with that?"

"No, thank-" he began, but at that moment five or so of the books toppled to the ground.

I bent down and picked them up.

"You were saying." I said to him, smiling.

He laughed as I placed the books into their corresponding areas. "Thanks. I noticed that you were reading Pride and Prejudice. Are you a Jane Austen fan?"

"Yes, I am," I said, placing the last book on to the shelf. "Are you?"

"Of course!" He said. "How can you not be?"

I laughed. "What's your name?"

"Wallace, yours?"

"Emilienne." I said, outstretching my hand.

Wallace took it. "Can I call you Emili?"

I smiled. "Sure. Can I call you Ace?"

He had a confused expression on his face. "Y-yeah, that's fine."

I smirked. "What, people don't call you Ace?"

"Nah," he said. "Usually it's Wall, Wall-E, or something on those lines."

"Wait, people call you Wall-E? As in, the robot?"

"Yeah. It was interesting, but I got used to it."

I grinned. "That's cool. Anyway, it was nice to meet you, Wallace."

"Same here," he replied. "I hope we can meet again."

"Me too. I'll see you around."

I picked up Pride and Prejudice and headed to the front counter.

"Are you buying that?" Wallace called after me.

I turned around. "Yeah, why?"

He walked to the counter with me. "There's no one else but me working here."

I raised my eyebrows. "Really?"

"Yup. Is this all?" Wallace asked.


"That'll be $13.12."

I swung my bag around and searched for my wallet.

"Here you go." I said handing him fifteen dollars.

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