Part 22 - May 16th

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I trudged back to my room, my tear-stained face red from my two minutes of crying. I opened the door, threw my bag on the chair, and flopped face first onto my bed.

I wanted to be with Yoongi, but not the celebrity one.

The Yoongi that I had grown to know, love, and cherish over the past few weeks.

But he was gone now.

Sighing, I crawled into my bed and snuggled with the sheets, emotions turning my heart cold. I closed my eyes and thought of happier things. Before I knew it, I had drifted off to sleep.

I awoke with a  start as I heard the door open with a squeak.

"Emili?" My mom called, walking towards me.

"Mom," I said, yawning a little.

"You okay, honey?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Your face is red and your eyes are puffy," she replied. "Have you been crying?"


"What? Why?" She asked, sitting down on the end of my bed. "Is everything alright?"

"Not really," I said. "But, it doesn't matter. We're leaving tomorrow, I'll never have to see him again."

My mom raised her eyebrows as Atticus came over to us. "What boy?"

"One of my friends," I replied.

My  mother and Atticus exchanged glances. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.


"Okay, honey," Atticus said. "Have you packed for tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I think I'm gonna just, uh, chill here for a bit."


I grabbed my phone and surfed the internet for a bit, but soon got extremely bored and decided to read a book. Before I knew it, it was time for dinner.

"Emili, let's go down," my mother said, grabbing her phone. I nodded, fixing my hair and getting my shoes on, my phone in my pocket as we walked downstairs, heading to the dining hall.

"Um, I'll take a soup," I said to the waitress.

"Anything else?"

"That's all," my mother said. "Thank you."

I took my phone out again as my Atticus and my mother began to talk about something I had no interest in.

I had a text from an unknown address.

Hi Emilienne, it's Namjoon. I know that something happened between you and Yoongi. I wanted to tell you that, if you two wanted to be in a relationship, it is possible. We are allowed to date, but it would probably have to be a secret from our fans. And I've known Yoongi for many years and he is a good friend and person, he will not trick you or anything. You can trust him.

~Kim Namjoon

What an idiot.

I couldn't believe Yoongi.

He had told his friend what had happened?

And why did his friend have to tell me that everything would be fine (which was quite annoying, actually)? Didn't he have the guts to do so?

"Emili?" I heard my mom's voice sound.

I looked up to meet her concerned glance.


"Everything alright?"

"Yeah, just got a really long and stupid text," I said, forcing a smile.

She nodded as our food arrived.

"Thank you," Atticus said to the waiter, a smile plastered on his face.

I started on my soup, spooning the warm broth into my mouth, the soggy vegetables melting in my mouth.

"How is it?" My mom asked.

"Fine. Yours?"


Half an hour later, I was back upstairs, reading my book again.

"Emili, come outside, we're going to look around a bit," Atticus said.

I sighed. "Alright." Grabbing my bag, I headed outside with my mother and Atticus.

"Ooh, is that ice cream?"

I looked over to where Atticus was pointing.

Yoongi, Namjoon, and I had gone there.

I looked down at my feet. "Yeah."

"Why don't we go there?"

I shrugged as we headed over to the small shop, its fluorescent sign lighting up to show a simple vanilla cone.

"Hi, may I get a strawberry ice cream in a cone and a pistachio ice cream in a dish?" Atticus asked.

"Sure," the blond man at the counter replied. "Anything else?"

"Yes, may I get a vanilla ice cream?" I asked.

"Cone or dish?"


"Alright, that'll be $4.20," he said, printing out a receipt. "You order will be out in a bit."

Atticus signed the thin slip of paper. "Have a nice day."

"You too."

One minute later, the order was out. I took a spoon and indulged in the soft cream. I wasn't a huge fan of vanilla, but I'd have it every so often - I enjoyed the cool, sweetness - but this time it tasted off.

This was the exact thing Yoongi had ordered.

Yeah, that's why I got it, but the flavor tasted odd, like something was missing.




My Suga was missing from my heart.

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