Part 8 - May 7th

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"Emili!" My mother yelled from the door.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Oh. There you are. It's time for dinner."

I grabbed my phone and headphones off of the nightstand and followed Atticus and my mom outside.

We reached the lobby and entered the dining room on its left. We found a table, reserved it by placing a purse there, and continued to the buffet.

The food looked great.

From the silky mashed potatoes to the firm pieces of colorful sushi, the buffet was splendid. I loaded my plate with bright vegetables, a crispy piece of baguette, tomato pasta, etc.

We sat back down at the table and began to eat. I stared at Atticus mauling his steak.

"Emili," Atticus said, his mouth stuffed. "Why didn't you get this? Try it!"

"Atticus," I sighed. "I hate beef. And, no, I won't not try it. You need a napkin."

I was about to shove a forkful of pasta into my mouth when I felt something brush the back of my neck. I whipped around and saw a man walking away from me.

Was that RM?

I hoped not. He seemed like a huge creep.

I felt something fall down my chair. I grabbed the item from in-between the back of my chair and my back.

It was a folded piece of paper.

I looked up at Atticus and my mom to make sure that they weren't watching.

Let's be real. They were too busy eating.

I unfolded the paper. It read:

Hi Emileen,

it is RM. I was wondering if you wanted to meet up at Café New tomorrow at around 7 in the morning. I know English, but Suga does not. He would like to learn from someone. I would teach him, but I am too busy and cannot teach him. This letter may sound a bit odd, but if you do not come, I will assume that you are not able to and that is okay. Thank you and hopefully, I will see you soon.

~ RM

I folded the letter back up and started to eat again.


Let's think.

First of all, he spelled my name wrong.

Common mistake.


Second of all, he seemed creepy.

Don't judge him by his cover.


Third of all, he was a stranger.


Not okay.

Well, that's just one thing, right? And a café is bound to have more people, so if he was an evil creep, other people would stop him.


"Emili?" My mom said, shaking me out of my thoughts. "You okay?"

I realized I'd dropped my fork.

"Oh, yeah," I said, giving a small smile. "Just zoned out."

I finished eating before continuing to wonder if I should go to the café tomorrow.

Finally, I made my decision.

I wasn't going to go.

But then again, he seems harmless (hopefully). I'll be fine (hopefully). I'll just go for a bit then leave (hopefully).

Maybe I shouldn't go.

My head was on fire, the two sides of my brain tearing each other apart.

Why couldn't Suga just naturally know English? That would be so much easier for me!

Stupid language barriers.

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