Chapter 5 | The Reveal

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Chan has never felt so confused and panicked before, it always has been you who was the person who comforts him. Except for the time where you got told off and end up eating your untouched food to finish the day. You have never cried in front of him before, it was foreign to him and the poor members. Seeing a dear friend suffer is the last thing the Aussie wanted, especially his most treasured partner in crime.

You were leaning against his chest for a good 5 minutes, crying your eyes out. The Felix, Hyunjin and Jisung sat in front of the two of you, Hyunjin was holding a bunch of tissues while Felix with the a whole box, Jisung with a roll. They just looked like three lost puppies, trying to ask what could they do to help through the leader's eyes. He just shook his head lightly and continued rubbing your back.

Woojin, Changbin, Seungmin and Minho were comforting the maknae, assuring him it wasn't his fault. Tells me the youngest it was jut you being stressed out and feeling building up inside you. He finally calmed down and dried his eyes. Now their attention was adverted to you, they kept a fare distance from the small group already gathered in front of you, trying not to give you or the leader any pressure.

You tried calming yourself down, slowly taking deep breaths. You felt Hyunjin gently took your hand and placed the bunch of tissues in your palm. You took them and blowed your nose while drying tears.

Chan still had his arms around you, trying to think of something to say. Instead, Hyunjin took your hand in both of his.

"We don't know what happened... But we will always support your choice and be by your side..." he smiled to you, you felt it

But more tears streamed down your face, you instantly wiped them with the sleeve of your hoodie

"I'm s-sorry...I'm so so sorry..." you chocked

"Noona..." Jeongin pouted

"I...I didn't know until yesterday...About the showcase...the writer unnie for the debut survival show..." you constantly wiped tears, the members patiently waiting for you to continue

"She came to me and said...JYP PD-nim wants me to be a part of... girl group no.2" you took another tissue offered by Felix

"Writer unnie said they want to...put me as their centre..." you managed to calm down more now

The boys were speechless, never in a million years would they thought they would go against you. Chan was dumbstruck, no not her...This is just cruel, putting two of the company's longest trainees against each other?

"I will need to tell her my decision tomorrow. I-I don't know what to do." You scrunched up the tissue in your hand

"Tell us what's on your mind...Anything." Woojin spoke up

"I don't want to loose you guys...I just can't, I don't want to see any of you like that. What if the girl group debuts? I don't want to see you guys left out at all, it's so unfair. I'd rather see you guys debut knowing as long as I won't be against you." You lowered your head, not daring to meet any of their eyes

"So you're planning to stay as a trainee forever?" Chan suddenly changed the channel to English

"You know that's not what I meant... Everyone's final goal here is to debut. I don't want to lose you guys because of who ever debuts. The nine of you are too import-"you were cut off by Chan

"Why not? Because you don't want to see me stuck here waiting to debut again? Why can't you just accept the fact that this is reality? This is the nature of the industry, if you can't stand strong then you're out, it's cut throat, it's life Y/N." Chan raised his voice

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