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3:08 AM

i don't know what the point of trying is sometimes.

meeting new people is probably one of the richest life experiences for me, personally. i enjoy getting to know people. i really do. i love finding things to bond about, things to relate to, even things to argue about. i love that feeling of freshness in that new relationship, whether it be as friends or less than that or more than that.

sometimes i like that new people give me new things to think about because deep thinking is something i am addicted to. i believe the truest art comes from the vast experience and imagination in our completely opposing minds. 

you caught me. you pulled me in and didn't realize it. i didn't fall. it was too early to tell that. it was too soon for me to even think about loving you. i don't know what i was thinking.

in the end, nobody cares. that's why we fail to take care of what matters. we discriminate and attack each other for the short-term benefit of ourselves, and when people do that, they don't think about it. they just fucking do it without giving a single shit about how other lives are changed for forever. not just assault or rape. bullying, lying, anything. all because nobody thinks upon their actions anymore. the media encourages younger crowds to do wild, fucked up things like it's okay because you only get one shot at life.

we seem to have forgotten that it isn't just us who get one set of years. we've forgotten of the consequences that follow our poor choices.

i trusted you because you gave me reasons to, but i learned the truth.

nobody will ever care. not even you.

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