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it wasn't your face that i fell for
it was the smile that consumed it
it was your eyes that drowned in mine
and the way your hair would
flow in the direction it chose
and the way you would
walk so gracefully compared to me

oh love,
every night i dream of you
i wish for the luck of meeting you again
i want to be yours
to hold you in my arms
as i'm kissing those dark pink lips
and tracing fingers over your tan skin

we are nearing our second winter
we aren't there yet but
it's already cold without you
could you
come lay with me
can we entangle our souls, like legs
and provide warmth to hearts?

maybe you know about this
i don't know if you
love me back
but oh god,
i sure wish you did
want me as much as i want you

-siempre de mí, y pensando en ti

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