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you don't know what you've done
what you've been doing for months
i've had enough

i'm so sick of you fucking me over
again and again
it's already the end of october

and i've wasted too much of my time
on someone who doesn't
give theirs to me

i wait for you to notice me
i give you everything i have
just for you to yell at me and hate me

why do you even hate me
tell me what i have done wrong lately
to make you hate me

all i do is listen to you and comfort you
when you come back home so late
and i let you explain

though i know none of it is true
i still put up with it
and tell you that i love you

i cannot take these tears
these random mid-day breakdowns
and the quiet days anymore

you're no good
not for me because
my love is never enough and

i'm done with your continuous lies
and the way you describe
me to your friends as a terrible person

when i bury my life and time
and set it aside for you to
take and hoard all to yourself

fuck you.

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