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a body
is what holds
everything about us

it is what allows us
to physically recognize
other people

it does wondrous things
and lets us feel amazing
for the most part

but sometimes
a body grows ill
and kills the person that is within

this woman that i've known
since i was little
her body is sick

it is hurting her so badly
she is drifting away
and cannot even speak

they thought she beat it
the disease
but it came back to her unfortunately

and seeing her in the
three letter room
the scary, bright, hospital called icu

paralyzed all on the right side of her body
she's not okay
and i cannot do anything about it

she can't see what she ever wanted to
no Wish given to her
cutting off her life too early

tell me why this must happen
why she is unprotected
and why she, of all people, has no chance?

it makes me so angry
that this woman that always made sure
i was never hungry

does not get to live

fucking cancer

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