Talking About The New Girl- Dylan O'Brien

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Dylan's POV

Posey, Hoechlin and I were in the middle of our Wolf Watch interview when the subject took a turn I expected. "So, tell me about your new costar, Y/F/N Y/L/N." Jill said, looking at her notecards.

Posey and Hoechlin sent me knowing looks before smirking at each other. Ignoring their looks, I answered Jill's question before they could say anything.

"Well, Y/N is an amazing actress. She's extremely talented and is one of the hardest workers. She has already thrown herself into her character. Plus, she is really fun to hang out with. It takes us a while to get through a scene because we are always making each other laugh. It's gotten to the point that when either one of us is doing a scene, the other can't be on set or else we'll never be able to get through it."

"Yeah, Y/N and Dylan have gotten really close," Posey said with a smirk.

"Well," I said, clearing my throat, "we do have a lot of scenes together. Almost all her scenes involve Stiles and Y/C/N."

"And I have to say, you two have great chemistry," Jill complimented. "What about you other two? You both do a few scenes with Y/N, what do you guys think of her?"

"Just like Dylan said, Y/N is a really hard worker. She's great to hang out with," Posey said.

"I agree. She is devoted and has a great sense of humor. Plus, Y/N is hot," Hoechlin laughed.

"Hell yeah, man." Posey laughed as he raised his hang, gesturing for Hoechlin to high-five him. When they did, I reached up and intercepted their high-five.

Once we had calmed down, Hoechlin laughed. "In all seriousness, Jill, Y/N is an incredible girl and an amazing actress."

"He's right. We make jokes and mess with her, but she's part of the Teen Wolf Family now." Posey smirked as he looked over at me, "I have to say, though, Dylan is probably the one who has gotten the closest."

I sent him a glare as my cheeks burned. "Oh!!" Jill laughed. "Is your chemistry more than just on camera?"

"Yeah, well..." I dragged out. I looked up to see the three of them sending me knowing looks.

"Maybe something will happen. Maybe she feels the same way. Have you talked to her about it?"

"No," I stuttered.

"But he should," Hoechlin said, bumping me with his shoulder. I just nodded, hoping the conversation would drop. Luckily it did.

After the interview I slipped on my jacket and checked my phone. When I unlocked it, I noticed a text message from Y/N. "Oh, crap." I mumbled as I opened the text.

Y/N: Hey, so I saw your interview...

"Oh shit," I mumbled, running my hand through my hair. I fidgeted my thumbs over the keyboard, unsure of what to say. With a moment of hesitation, I decided to call her instead of text her. She answered right away.

"Hey, Dylan." I could practically hear her smile.

"Hey," I said slowly. I cleared my throat before continuing. "Look, about the interview..."

She interrupted me with her laugh. "Dylan, it's okay. I umm I agree with Jill. I think our chemistry is on and off camera."

For a minute, I thought I imagined her saying it. "Really?" I stuttered, making her laugh. "Wow, okay," I cleared my throat. "Hey, Y/N?"

"Yes, Dylan?"

"Would you like to go on a date with me this weekend?" I asked, quickly.

"I'd love to."

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