Her Part 2-Mitch Rapp

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Mitch's POV

I pounced my knee anxiously as I scanned the campus. Hurley and I were sitting on a bench across from NYU, waiting for Y/N to get out of class. We weren't suppose to make contact with her, just observe until NATO comes to a decision which was supposed to be any day now.

We arrived in New York late last night, but I couldn't sleep. All I could do was think about how my best friend was in danger.

I laid in bed all night, studying her picture. I stalked her on social media, trying to see what my best friend was up to. She wasn't posting pictures of herself at parties like most college students did. Instead, she posted lots of pictures of her projects and pictures she had taken.

Y/N and I haven't talked since the summer after we graduated high school. We went our separate ways when we went to college, but we promised each other we would try to stay in touch.

I wish I could say that she was the one who stopped contacting me, but that would be a bold-faced lie. I threw myself into school, purposely trying to forget everything about my old life.

That included Y/N.

Katrina had been trying for months to convince me to contact her again before that day on the beach. After Katrina and I got engaged, I was going to call Y/N but when she died, I snapped.

What if I had called Y/N after it happened? What if I had called her before it happened?

Would I be where I was? Would I be a secretive operative for the CIA? Or would I have transferred to NYU to be with Y/N?

If I had, would I be able to protect her from the people after her?

"Aren't we a little close considering Maliek already has a guy watching her?" I asked once the students started flowing out of the building we had been watching for the past 45 minutes.

"As long as we don't make contact with her, we'll be fine," he said as he scanned the crowd.

My heart stopped when I saw Y/N walking out of the building, a bag slung over her shoulder. She was listening to headphones as she turned and started heading down the sidewalk.

"That's her," Hurley said as I watched Y/N walk to the crosswalk. "Let's follow her."

I stood up and eagerly started walking towards her. I was about to cross the street when Hurley grabbed my arm. "Remember, we can't make contact with her."

He sent me a knowing look making me nod. I bit my lip as we started to follow her. I got jumpy every time a guy walked next to her, ready to react if they did something I didn't like.

As we followed her onto the subway, I caught Hurley staring at me. We quickly got on the same train, making sure to get in the next car over.

"So, you know her," he said more as a statement than a question.

"Yes, sir." I said not looking away from Y/N. I couldn't stop the smile from forming as I watched her nod her head to whatever song was playing through her headphones.

"Were you guys together?"

"No," I said before finally looking away from her. "She moved in across the street when I was eleven. About a week after she moved in, some kids were bullying her so I stood up for her. After that, we were inseparable until. . . Until we graduated high school."

"I see," he nodded, looking past me and towards Y/N. "I've seen her transcripts. She's a very smart girl."

"She is," I agreed, turning my attention back to Y/N.

"She's also very beautiful."

"Yeah, she is," I smiled. I looked at Stan to see him looking at me with a soft, knowing smile.

"I'm sure I don't have to remind you," he started.

"Don't make it personal," I finished for him with no emotion. I looked away and studied my hands. I bit my lip, glancing back over at Y/N.

"Look Rapp," I heard him sigh. I jumped up when Y/N started to exit the car. We followed behind her a few more blocks before I noticed a guy.

"Hurley," I said getting his attention. "Look." I pointed at a man in a brown leather jacket, walking behind Y/N.

"What about him?" He sighed.

"He's been following her since she got off the subway."

Hurley looked towards where I was pointing and his eyes narrowed. "He has something in his back pocket."

"A gun?" I asked, my adrenaline spiking.


We picked up our pace and started following closer. My instincts and training kicked in when I watched the man reach into his back pocket.

"Y/N!" I yelled before I could stop myself. She turned around, her eyes widening when we made eye contact. The second she recognized me, she smiled.

"Mitch?" She said with a small laugh. She started to walk towards me, but the guy had seen me too. Before I could do anything, he grabbed Y/N and started dragging her away.

"You never listen to a damn thing I say," Hurley sneered as we chased after them.

We turned the corner just in time to see the man sticking a needle into Y/N's neck. "No!" I yelled running towards him. Y/N fell to the ground unconscious as I ran over and grabbed his shoulders, picking him up and throwing him across the alleyway.

The man tried to fight back, but with the anger coursing through my veins I was stronger and faster. I had his shirt in my hand and was punching him over and over again when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

I turned around to see Hurley staring at me. He wasn't sending me his normal disapproving look. Instead, his eyes were soft. Almost understanding.

"Kid, I got this guy. You grab the representative's daughter."

I looked over at Y/N to see her lying on the concrete. I dropped the guy, and quickly walked over to Y/N. I reached down and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. I carefully picked her up bridal style, instantly holding her close to my chest.

Part 3 Coming Soon

Dylan O'Brien Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें