Stuck-Caleb Halloway

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It all happened so fast. One minute it's a normal day at the offshore drilling rig and the next thing we know everything is sinking and catching on fire.

People were running around, trying to help each other. I couldn't help but panic as I realized that no one would get to us until at least the morning.

I was currently trying to make my way to the life boats. I gasped when I ran through the door and bumped into someone. The person wrapped two strong arms around me to keep me from falling backwards. I looked up to see Caleb holding me into his chest.

"Y/N," he sighed as if he was relieved to see me. "Are you okay?"

"As okay as I can be," I stuttered. I ran my hands through my hair, trying to take slow calming breaths.

"Hey," he said softly, making me look at him. He reached up and gently grabbed my shoulders. "It's going to be okay. I promise. We're going to be okay."

"How do you know that? Help isn't going to be here until the morning. I don't think we. . . I don't think I can survive that long."

I gasped when Caleb pulled me into his chest, rubbing circles on my back. "You're going to be fine, I promise." He pulled away and lifted my chin so I was looking at him. "I'm going to make sure you make it home."

Before I could respond, we heard an explosion. He instantly pulled me into his chest, ready to protect me. When we noticed the explosion was somewhere else, I felt him physically relax. He grabbed my hand and ran down the hallway, pulling me with him. He opened a door and pulled me inside.

"Caleb," I said, trying to catch my breath. "This is the data analysts's lab. There's no outlet."

He looked at me with wide eyes. We were just about to leave when there was another explosion. I gasped when a beam began to fall.

"Y/N!" Caleb yelled as he grabbed me, pulling me out of the way. He fell on top of me, covering me as we heard nothing but crashing.

When it stopped, it was completely silent. The only thing that could be heard was our heavy breathing. "Are you okay?" He whispered, still hovering over me. I gasped at how close we were.

"I ummm I think so," I stuttered. He got off of me and helped me up. He held onto one of my hands as he guided me through the rubble. I gasped when I almost fell through a hole.

"I got you," he said as he helped me. He continued to lead me towards the door, but we stopped when we saw rubble blocking the door.

"No," I gasped. "We're stuck. There's no way out. Caleb, what are we going to do?" I felt my anxiety build up as I struggled to breath normally.

"Y/N," he said calmly as he gently rubbed my arms up and down. "It's going to be okay."

"How are you so calm?" I gasped, still struggling to breathe. Before he could respond, I gasped, "I can't breathe. I can't breathe, Caleb."

"Y/N, look at me," he said, grabbing my face.

"I can't breathe," I whispered.

He pulled me into his chest, kissing the top of my head. "Match my breathing," he whispered.

"What?" I gasped as I pulled away.

"Breathe with me." I watched as he took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. When he did it again, I copied him. "That's it. Keep going," he smiled.

The whole time I was copying his breathing, he never looked away from me. With each breath we took, I felt as if we got closer and closer. "Good," he whispered as he gently cupped my cheeks in his hands. "That's it. Keep. . ." He didn't finish his thought before pressing his lips to mine.

It took me a second before I started kissing him back. As our lips moved in sync, he wrapped his arms around my waist as I snaked my arms around his neck.

We pulled away and pressed our foreheads together. "I'm going to get you out of here," he whispered. "I have to."

"As long as you get yourself out, too."

Dylan O'Brien Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن