No Beanie Today?-Stuart

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I walked into work with a coffee in hand. It's been a year since my group got the internship at Google. We started out not being able to work together, but now we're all pretty close.

I put my keys in my bag and froze in the doorway when I noticed Stuart was here early. He wasn't sitting at his desk. He was sitting on the couch with his shoulders slumped. My eyes narrowed when I noticed something seemed odd. He wasn't wearing a beanie.

He always wears a beanie.

"Whoa. No beanie today? What's wrong?" I joked. I stopped laughing when I noticed Stuart playing with his fingers.

"Stuart? You okay?" I put my stuff down on my desk and walked over to him. "Stuart," I said softly as I stood in front of him.

"Oh, hey Y/N." He mumbled as he finally looked up at me.

"Are you okay?" When he didn't answer I kept rambling like the awkward idiot I am. "I know you aren't okay because you're here early, when you're usually fifteen minutes late. You aren't wearing a beanie like you always are. I mean, it's kind of weird seeing you without a beanie."

"My girlfriend and I broke up," he rushed out, cutting me off.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked, sitting next to him. He just shrugged, looking back at his hands. I nodded before getting an idea. "How about we do happy hour today?"

"What?" He asked, looking up at me.

"Yeah," I shrugged. "We can get everyone together and go to Hal's after work. It could be fun. Plus drinking and dancing is a great distraction."

"That," he laughed. "Is actually a really great idea, Y/N."


We got to Hal's a little over an hour ago and Stuart and I were already drunk off our asses.

"Can I ask you a question?" Stuart slurred.

"You just did," drunk me laughed.

He sent me a look before laughing. "Okay, so why do long distance relationship suck balls?"

"It's in the name," I giggled. "Long distance. They never work because you spend too much time apart. In order for relationships to work, you have to spend time together. More than just phone calls and texts and video chats."

"You mean sex," he chuckled like a twelve year old.

"No," I dragged out. I paused before adding, "Well, yes but also being with each other. . . When you. . . Shut up," I said playfully pushing him. I laughed when he almost fell off his stool.

"Come on!" I yelled over the music. "Let's go dance!" I grabbed Stuart's hand and led him to the dance floor. We started dancing to the music, looking like complete fools thanks to the dozen or so beers we just chugged.

When a slower song came on, I put my hands on his shoulders as I started to sway my hips to the music. He reached forward and grabbed my waist, pulling me a little closer to him.

I looked up and gasped when our noses brushed against each other. I bit my lip when I noticed how close we were. All I had to do was lift my chin up and I could press my lips to his. I backed away when my drunk brain remembered why we were here.

Stuart opened his mouth to say something, but stopped when a fast song came on. I let go of his shoulders and started swaying my hips and head to the beat. I had my back to him when his hands suddenly wrapped around my waist, pulling me back against his chest.

I moaned as I felt him start to move his hips in sync with mine. I leaned my head back against his shoulder as Stuart continued to grind against my hips.

Suddenly, he stopped dancing. I turned around and noticed him staring at me. "We should. . . Probably," I stuttered out, trying to sober up. I gasped when he pushed me against the wall and pressed his lips to mine.

I ran my fingers through his hair as our lips moved in sync. "Stuart," I moaned as he started to kiss my neck. "We shouldn't," I gasped as he found my sweet spot.

He started kissing up my neck to my jaw. I gasped when I felt his breath on my ear. "Just shut up and kiss me," he said before pressing his lips to mine.


I woke up to the sun shining through the window. I opened my eyes, but quickly closed them due to my pounding headache. I was about to sit up when I heard a slight snoring sound coming from behind me.

I slowly turned around, scared of who might be next to me. My eyes widened when I saw a sleeping Stuart next to me. I looked down and became very aware that I wasn't wearing any clothes.

"Y/N?" I turned to see Stuart sitting up. "Did we. . ."

He didn't finish his question, but he didn't have to. "Yeah, I think we did," I said tightening the blanket around my chest as I sat up.

"Oh," he sighed. I got embarrassed as Stuart just sat on his bed, not saying a word. It was then that I realized one of the best nights of my life was just a drunken mistake to him.

I reached down and quickly gathered my clothes to start getting dressed. Another wave of embarrassment washed over me when I couldn't find my underwear. I stood up and slipped on my pants. I pulled my shirt over my head and grabbed my bra.

"Well," I cleared my throat, running my hand through my hair. "I should probably go."

"Y/N, wait." He said trying to stop me. I quickly left his room and headed towards his front door. I grabbed my purse that was sitting on the couch before reaching for the door.

"Y/N, stop."

Stuart put his hand on the door, closing it. I gasped when he turned me around, pushed me up against the door and pressed his lips to mine.

I instantly started kissing him back. His hands gripped my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. We pulled apart and he pressed his forehead to mine as we caught our breaths.

"You were right last night," he whispered pulling away and tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "Long distance relationships never work because relationships only work if you're together. So, lets be together."

"But what about. . ."

"I fell out of love with her the moment I met you." He said before pressing his lips to mine again.

I pulled away, unable to wipe the smile from my face. "We're umm. . . We're going to be late for work."

"Who cares," he laughed before pressing his lips to mine again.

"I do," I pulled away with a small smile on my face. He reached up and cupped my cheek.

"I should get going," I whispered. "I can't go to work wearing the same clothes I wore yesterday. I mean, I know Yoyo does when he gets stressed but," I shrugged making him laugh.

"Fine," he sighed overly dramatically. "I'll see you at work." I smiled as he pressed a long kiss to my cheek. When he pulled away he opened the door for me.

"See you at work," I winked.

After I had showered and gotten dressed, I headed to the office. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I logged onto my computer. I caught myself constantly looking at the door, waiting for Stuart to walk in.

"Y/N, what's wrong? You keep looking at the door," Neha laughed.

"Nothing," I stuttered, knowing my cheeks were flaming red.

"Whoa, Stuart. You're here on time," Nick laughed.

"Early, actually," Billy corrected. I looked up to see Stuart smirking at me. I bit my lip when I noticed something.

He was wearing a beanie.

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