*Rough Starts-Stiles Stilinski

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Requested by Solvesborg

Warnings: rough sex, protected sex, language, handcuffs, dirty kink, dominant sex

"Ugh!" I groaned as I put my head down on my textbook.

"You okay?" Stiles laughed as he poked my head.

"I didn't think this would happen, but high school is killing me," I said, finally looking up at him. "Stiles, please. Put me out of my misery."

"Nope," he laughed. "I can't do that. Then I would be miserable all by myself and you know what they say about misery loving company."

"You know what else they say?" I taunted. "Kiss my ass."

"Don't tempt me," he teased as he checked me out. I playfully pushed him as I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe a change of scenery will help," I sighed as I grabbed my stuff off the kitchen table.

"I thought your mom wanted us to stay downstairs when we're alone," Stiles stuttered.

"Keyword in that sentence," I scoffed. "Alone."

I thought I saw a weird look on Stiles's face but decided to ignore it. I was halfway up the stairs when I noticed that Stiles was still at the kitchen table, frozen.

"Hey!" I called down to him. "Are you coming or what?"

"Yeah," he stuttered. I laughed as I heard him struggle to put all of his books in his backpack. I smirked when he practically fell out of the kitchen.

"You ready?" I teased.

"Umm. . . I am. . ." He stuttered. I bit my lip when he looked up and down my body.

"Hello? Come back to Earth, Major Tom. Because trust me. You don't want to space out for what's to happen next."

"What. . . What's to happen next?" He asked, his voice barely audible. I hummed as I turned around and started heading to my room.

"You coming or what?" I called down to him as I walked into my room. I put my textbooks on the desk as I heard Stiles stumbling up the stairs. I turned around, leaning on my desk as he almost fell into my room.

"Very smooth," I smirked. He stood up, awkwardly looking around as he straightened out his shirt.

"So. . . Should we. . . I mean. . . How. . ."

"I'm going to go to the bathroom and then we can get started," I said, sending him a wink before I turned on my heel.

Once I was done, I walked back into my room. I froze when I saw Stiles sitting on my bed, just like how I left him.

Except now he was shirtless.

I leaned against the doorway, smirking as I folded my arms over my chest. I bit my lip, suddenly very aware of how buff Stiles actually was. I always thought Stiles was attractive and he had an amazing sense of humor, but I've never seen him in this light. Well, at least not shirtless.

"What are you doing?" I giggled. I held my smirk as Stiles looked over at me. His eyes widened as he looked me up and down, noticing that I was still fully clothed. I forced myself not to laugh as he started to panic.

"I thought. . . I mean. . . I'm so sorry, Y/N. I misread things," Stiles stuttered as he looked for his shirt. I watched as he found it and started to put it on, still stuttering. "I've had feelings for you and I thought you did too. And now I just fucked up our friendship. I'm sorry. . ."

He stopped talking when I grabbed my shirt and tore it over my head.

"I didn't say I didn't want to do it too," I smirked as he scanned my almost bare chest.

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