Kidnapped Part 3- Mitch Rapp

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Mitch's POV

Nick Hannigan.

That bastard took Y/N.

Before he went rogue, Nick Hannigan was my partner. We were a great team in the field. We were friends. Close friends. But when I introduced him to Y/N he started acting weird.


The whole night he was jumpy and wouldn't stop looking at her. It was almost like he thought she was going to pull out a gun and start shooting everyone.

"Dude, what's your problem?" I asked as I followed him to the bar to get another round.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, innocently.

"You know what I'm talking about. I see the way you look at Y/N. It's the same way you look at a target."

"You shouldn't have told her what we do."

"Why? It's not like she's going to tell anyone. She knows how important what we do is. She knows not to say anything," I tried to reason with him. He just rolled his eyes."What?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"I don't trust her," he shrugged like it was no big deal.


"There's just something about her that I don't trust. She's too," he paused, looking over my shoulder at Y/N. "Sweet."

"Too sweet?" I scoffed. Suddenly it dawned on me what he was thinking. "Nick, she isn't a spy. She works at a diner and is going to school online to get her teaching degree."

"The perfect cover," he shrugged and started to walk back to the table. I grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

"Y/N is not dangerous. And if you do anything," I warned.

"Relax," he said, pulling his arm out of my grasp. "I won't do anything until she does."

Anger surged through me as he walked back over to Y/N and faked a smile. "Thanks," she smiled as I handed her her drink. I took a long drink of my beer, watching Nick over the bottle.

"Everything okay?" Y/N asked, looking between the two of us.

I turned to her and instantly smiled. "Everything's fine," I said as I leaned in and kissed her cheek. The whole time, Nick was watching with a smirk on his face.

Even after that night, he showed he didn't trust her. Making comments about not telling her what we did or asking if I told her where we were going. One time when our covers got blown, he was convinced that it was because of Y/N.

"It was Y/N!" He yelled, throwing his hands up in frustration. "She gave us up! Her sweet little country act is a load of bullshit!"

"She doesn't even know where we are! Why are you so convinced that Y/N gave us up?" I asked, resisting the urge to punch him. Tensions were already high and he was making it worse by bringing Y/N into all of this.

"Okay," Hurley sighed.

"It's all a cover," Nick continued ignoring Hurley's attempt to interject. "Don't you see that, Rapp? It's all fake. Her job, her life, even you. She doesn't love you, she's never loved you."

I stepped forward and punched him as hard as I could in the nose. Before he could get up, I was on top of him throwing punch after punch.

"That is enough!" Hurley yelled, pulling me off him.

"Rapp, step back." I did as I was told as Hurley pulled Nick to his feet. "Hannigan, you need to cool it on this whole "Y/N is a spy" shit. She's not and saying so makes you sound like a jealous bitch."

"How do you know she isn't?" Nick challenged.

"Because he did a background check," I sighed, running a hand through my hair to calm down.

"He's right," Hurley sighed. "Rapp told me about Y/N. He told me how long they'd been together and what he told her about us. He explained that he understood what he'd done, but he had to do it. I did a background check and even interviewed the girl myself. When I met her she was kind, respectful, funny and very understanding. Basically too good for Rapp," he said trying to lighten the mood. Him and I laughed, but Nick didn't.

He cleared his throat before continuing, "Right off the bat, she told me she knew the importance of our work. She said that she knew keeping the secret kept each one of us safe. Believe me, Hannigan. Y/N has nothing to do with your covers being blown."

I couldn't help but smirk at the annoyed expression on Nick's face when he realized he was wrong. "Well she could have easily lied," he stuttered.

"Are you shitting me right now?" I growled.

"Enough! We are not going to continue discussing this. Alright? She is an innocent, kind girl who doesn't deserve being affiliated with any of this shit. Let's just get back to the matter at hand."

"But," Nick started.

Hurley turned towards Nick with a glare on his face that told us he meant business.

"Drop it."


I subconsciously loaded and unloaded my gun as Hurley sped to the warehouse we tracked Nick to.

"Rapp," Hurley sighed. "It's going to be okay. Y/N's going to be fine."

"I mean no disrespect sir, but. . . You remember how paranoid Nick was when I first introduced him to her. He was so convinced that Y/N was a spy and now he took her to try to prove it. He's going to kill her."

I closed my eyes and cleared my throat when my voice cracked. "I know how you always tell us not to make things personal, but. . ."

"Make it personal," he finished.

I opened and closed my mouth, unsure of what to say. Hurley just chuckled as he continued. "I know you train as hard as you do because you want to return home to Y/N. Use that. Use your training, your protective instincts and your love for Y/N to get her back."

Before I could say anything, the car stopped. I looked out the window and my blood boiled at the sight of the dirty old warehouse.

I took a deep breath as all I could do was think about how Y/N was inside and how she was most likely hurt. "Hey," Hurley said, hitting my shoulder to get my attention.

"I got your back."

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